Private internet access in australia

Hey guys with the new pathetic laws going through here in Australia and the news that they want to start charging gst on commodities bought outside Australia i have decided to use a vpn full time.

the issue i have is my adsl is only 5mbt if i am lucky so i take a real hit in speed when using it.

so my question is if i use the Australian servers will they be "secure" enough to get me by?

secure is in brackets as i am not doing anything that needs me to hide just dont want mr abbot and his cronies looking at my meta

also i put this in the linux sub topic as i am running linux mint so i don’t have the pia software installed

In theory of PIAs customer privacy policy. Yes you should be safe, since you are using a VPN it will hit that server location within Australia and the meta data will/ may be collected but they will not be able to see who's it receiving it.

UNLESS it contains glaring personal details then if they actually look at it they could probably find out whose traffic it is.

So really you are just raising the work required to identity whose traffic it is at the end of the day, since its pretty unlikely they'd actually look at your traffic you'll be ok.

Just remember with privacy and secruity on the internet, you're never safe only safer.

yeah totally agree about the saftey.
sadly even using the server 300km away from me it slowed my net speed down to a crawl :(

Yeah that's an unfortunate downside of a VPN, I have NBN 100\40 and I lose about 40% of my speed when using mine.

We only have a year and a bit left and we have a chance of replacing this mess of a government, although we'll most likely be replacing it with the other side that also voted for this horseshit. I'll bet money we'll be seeing a pretty huge swing towards The Greens next Federal election. Also side bet, The Palmer Party will vanish overnight.

they all need to vanish.

it really is a case of who is the shinier turd at the moment.

i live in a brand new estate its less than 2 years old and i have 3 towers around me for fixed wireless. None of them are available to me.

one stops 10 meters behind my house.

Its always a case of the shinnier turd.

How come they aren't available, they have insane range on those things. Although you're not really missing out on much with Wireless NBN, the data caps are pitiful.

all 3 bassically circle my house and i am right in the middle of the dead spot.

i had it when i was up north 1tb with aussiebroadband speeds were semi decent.

so i i changed vpn from the melb to just the aus one and its not to bad, slow but i am use to that.

thank baby jeebus for seedbox's or my life would be hell

Hahah they seem to do that an awful lot, you'd think they design it so shit like that wouldn't happen.

Yeha just mess around with different locations, I really don't notice that much of a speed difference between most places.

What seedbox site do you use? I think I want to get one but all the options I've looked at so far seems really expensive in comparison to a VPN

i use
it is a little exxy compared to a vpn. but it allows me to keep my ratio up.

lol, someone is worried about the latest pirate hunt.

A socks5 proxy is good, just remember to disable WebRTC(stun) before you touch any magnets.

nah i am not worried about that at all.

just dont like the idea of them harvesting my data and keeping it for 2 years.

OpenVPN has the least overhead than L2TP and PPTP with the same or higher level of encryption set in PIA client (recommend that you leave it at default though since it's secure enough). There are australia servers now that are fast, I can get about 1.2MB/s with them.

Okay, but they have been harvesting data since the 90's, just behind closed doors, or to be more precise - behind two Sydney data-centre doors.

If it's the encrypted traffic which is between you and the VPN server then...

Just add the "block webRTC" in chrome, then your good.

yeah no doubt they have been.

Ill just put this here
It's a free VPN service created by a Japanese University and run by volunteers around the world. It's good to test the speeds. Although you have no idea if some people keep logs of your browsing etc. The Japanese VPN (the one run by the Uni) would be the most reliable and trustworthy as well as one of the fastest.

The last thing I want to trust my traffic too is an edu network.

the major restriction to my speed is my actual connection. so i think i am shit all out of luck