Laptop 2 (Acer predator) might have a better cooling system (it looks like it)
PS : Webcam, weight and portability are not deal breakers for me, so anyway is okay.
CPU needs to be powerful enough to feed GPU on time. Rest is pretty much wasted for gaming.
Video editing is like saying Masonry - too many layers to generalize. Some workflows use GPU, some CPU some are depending mainly on I/O (SSD and RAM.)
For the things you have provided, the final choice is whether you play on high refresh rate or high resolution. CSGO will struggle at low resolutions and high refresh rate at #2, but at higher resolution the GPU memory and speed will provide extra power.
That is what I can provide, my general hatred towards gaming laptops will prevent me from making any judgements, it would be just torture for me
Yeah I’ll have to import it then they’ll take heavy taxes and then probably service centres will throw a tantrum that it’s internationally shiped, so not considering those options.
Thanks for your suggestion !
I understand, I’m forced to get a laptop because I’ll be moving to a hostel room soon.
As far as I understand #2 is not good for high refresh rates in games.
For me I would prefer higher fps than a good resolution so I think I should go for #1 or #3.
Thanks for your help !
fellow indian who has been thru the hostel life during engineering days . unless you end up in a IIT type of profile college dont buy an gaming laptop . people around you are unpredictable and cruel shit breaks get stolen all the time especially when you have something like the laptops you are looking at.
just buy something that is portable and dosent need too much of maintanance .
i understand its probabaily the only time you could justify the device but its really a decision you should make after getting a good idea of the people around you.
yeah you might be a few frames from a better cpu but gpu step up will almost be double that performance. Issue is with laptops the cooling solution depends a lot too and power delivery.
Yes indeed that’s a real concern here. I’m not getting into IITs obviously, a 3 tier college might be dangerous for this stuff. I’ll have to take extra care for the new laptop.
Noted for that. The Acer (#2) has 180W of supply and both sides cooling so it again goes into advantage over the #1 and #3 laptops. I’m planning to check game fps online review for both and compare now.
keep in mind most heavy dense laptops in travel or commute get imprints and scratches from the keyboard when the lid is closed so do buy a good quality thin microfibre cloth or those rubberised keyboard dust protectors and lay it between the screen and keyboard to avoid bad experience with long term use its a cost you pay when you try to buy something that is compact . and no matter how well the laptop is build it has happened to every laptop i have owned.
If these are the only options and gaming is the goal, then I would pick option 2 and not consider the other options. The 1660 Ti is a Lot better for just gaming. If you need a hex-core CPU for specific needs, then you may need to save up a while longer to get that CPU upgrade, but for gaming you will be good with that quad-core with hyperthreading Intel.
Please do not misunderstand me, when I say high refresh rate - we are talking 80 and more FPS.
I consider stronger GPU better alternative than stronger CPU. It is better to have a cap 80FPS, rather than struggle with 60 in more demanding resolutions.
I am okay with any brand, but laptops shouldn’t have thermal throttling or other issues.
My Budget is 100000 INR, that’s about US $1350, but laptops costing $1000 in USA become $1300 in my country.
Currently I am planning to get Acer Predator Helios 300 - 2019 version.
It has 1660Ti, i5-9300H, 16GB Ram, 256Gb SSD, nice cooling systems, factory undervolted and is in budget too. Currently out of stock, so waiting for it to come back.
Physical stores near my area are pretty much devoid of laptops by this point in the pandemic era. Not really sure when they will restock. You may need to consider what is available rather what you want.
It’s okay, I can wait, for now I’ve this old laptop working just fine apart from hanging every now and then on movement. I can start gaming and editing from next year.