PrintWriter Java

When I print to a file using the PrintWriter from a char[] it makes the file unreadable and somtimes fills it with these characters ੉I浡吊敨愊愊物愊੭瑡愺眠牯੤敢瑳戊慯ੴ慣ੴ慣獴挊瑡摺挊浯瑰瑵牥挊浯異整ੲ੥獥ੴ慦瑲ੳ慦瑲s朊潯੤慨獲੨慨ੴ敨栊慥੤湩椊n灳捡੥湩猀慰散਀湩档牡敧椊ੳ楬敶洊洊湡洊牡敳洊浯湥ੴ潭湯洊牯楮杮洊੹敮敶ੲ敮੷潮ੴ景漊੮湯散漊敶ੲ汰捡੥慲ੴ敲污爊獵楳㩡੣歳੹潳猊慰散猊ੴੴ桴瑡琊敨琊敨洀潯੮桴牥੥潴琊畲瑳眊湥ੴ潷摲眊牯摬稊捡੫

nice, so these Kanji are stored in the char and you have utf8, utf16 type?

my first google hit:

please at least give some code