Prime 95 questions

Hi I've overclocked my 4770k to 4.2 ghz and decided to test it using prime 95 but my PC keeps crashing around the 20-30min mark. This is the first time I've used prime 95 and was wondering what are some of the possible causes. My CPU under load was showing 73c according to hwmonitor and I was running the small fft stress test.


Yeah, don't use Prime95 on the Haswell platform. Prime95 is a little dated, it doesn't give a true performance value for these kinds of newer processor.

You're better off using aida64.

I have my 4770k at 4.2 and when I tested with aida64, I actually got 60degrees under full load. Prime95 stresses the CPU far more than it should.

Having said that, I doubt that any damage has occurred. I just strongly recommend not using Prime95 anymore, you will end up causing some serious damage. There's a 10degree + difference between our processors and my computer happens to be in a rather hot room.

FYI, I am using a Phanteks 12DX cooler.

Oh ok thanks I was getting a little worried.

Still, it's the mother of real stresstests, You gotta hand it to them.

if it can run prime95 for 20-30 minuts then My God your OC has got a "Approved" Stamp smacked right in the middle of it.

I tried running in place ftts on my 4770 on stock cooler and settings and I got to 100 degrees pretty quickly.

On normal "blend" it gets to 80. When rendering a video, it gets to 80. When gaming, it hardly reaches 70. The stock cooler is tiny, I could've used an older conroe cooler, even that would be 2x better.

Your CPU temps will NEVER, I repeat, NEVER get as high as with a sythetic benchmark like P95. I usually let it run one full set of tests, (15-17 tests, I think?) Then call it a sucess.

That's some old archaic mumbo-jumbo from when CPUs could actually handle Prime95's heat load from Single and Dual core designs. Modern 4+ Core design CPUs are not designed to use Prime95 for overclocking heat load stress testing.

Also you must not understand what the point of Prime95's stress test ment to be used for either. It was designed to test stock system configurations for stability so they could properly calculate Mersine Prime numbers without errors.

Thanks for the answer guys. I got worried when I started reading that a successful overclock should last 24 hours of prime 95 stress testing


I ran prime 95 small fft for 24 hours straight to test my fx 4100 overclocked to 4.3ghz

Good for you, now you have just decreased the life expectancy of your CPU by 2-3 years.

It was nice and cool, only around 50*c, only 1.43 volts. Though even if it does I don't too well care, i'll most likely upgrade this rig before it naturally dies. 

I'd use aida64 or cinebench instead of prime 95

Perhaps testing the cpu in real world applications will soon be more accurate for stress testing than any synthetic.

Doubtful. I don't know of any real world application thats uses ~100% of the cpu.

What I understand is, that if a hardware could be pushed into a situation where it generate that much heat, with just software, maybe you should think about the fact thats the real definition of a stress test.

I UNDERSTAND that the temps of prime95 are unrealisticly high. But ...

if your hardware is vurnerable to a certain software situation, .... you're gonna blame the software and move on?


Also Aida64 and intel extreme tuning utility max at 80 on stock cooler, so I'm in normal parameters. Prime95 in place ftts can kill your cpu