I have this weird problem with my Gaming K7 (AM4). Well, it could be the GPU for all I know.
I few days ago I noticed my video card (RX 480) was running in x4 mode. Both Linux and W10 reported this, even when a game was launched. So I removed the card and cleaned connectors. Now my PCIe speed was reported as x16 correctly.
Yesterday I reinstalled my old Xonar DX card (in the last PCIe slot at the bottom) because my onboard started to piss me off (electrical noise). A few hours latter I remembered why I stopped using that card and removed it from my system. When I booted back up I found my video card running at x4 again, both Linux and Windows. Opened the case again to re-seat the card (did not clean the connectors) and this time the card was stuck in x8. So I removed the card again and this time cleaned the connectors. Now the card is at x16 again.
So what do you guys figure it is? Unfortunately it did not occur to me to check if installing the Xonar card caused the primary PCIe slot to downgrade to x4/x8 mode (no idea it could go as low as x4)? If that was the case wouldn’t it revert back to x16 once I removed the Xonar? You think it’s just the video card? It reverts back to x16 mode after I clean the connectors and re-seat it.