My Asus Matrix Platinum decided to start artifacting in January. I sent it in for RMA. In March I got a package with a note that said that Asus didn't find any errors, but this time, not only the card artifacted randomely, now it also had a strange error that stopped the PC from booting.
Shipped the card back again after testing it at work with a full error report I work in a large PC store in Copenhagen, came out with the same errors. Now yesterday I got a new package with a note saying that Asus had changed the card for a working card (not a new card). This card had a bended slot plate + the crossfire bridge connector was broken off.
I'm starting to get pretty pissed.. I made it so easy for them and this is what I get in return.. why Asus why!? Checked the card and of course it dosen't works.. At all. This is the secound time Asus is wasting my time, first time I had to wait 6 months for them to decide that they couldn't repair my motherboard. Added some happy pics:
Wow, and I thought asus prided themselves on their customer service and putting out the best product the possibly could. Disappointing Asus, very disappointing..
Yea me two, but after working in the PC store for two years I know for a fact that they dosen't care for there customers.. I will never buy an Asus product again..
Yep asus customer service is useless here in the uk too i still have a cuple of mobo's here i just can't be bothered sending them AGAIN its just not worth my time,patients or the cost of sending these items to them (AGAIN).
Same here with ASUS, had a Mobo that died and sent it off, 2 months later it was returned with a note saying no fault could be found, opened the box and all the pins were bent in the cpu socket.
After that i vowed not to use ASUS again, i should of realised it was a bad idea when the email they sent me had been translated by possibly the worst translation software in the world.