President Pushing for local Broadband

It appears the president is pushing for communities to step forward and build their own infrastructure.

The cities he want's the country to emulate are Cedar Falls, a city that built there own ISP and fiber to the home infrastructure that was featured on the Tek a while back, Kansas City, Where Google laid out fiber, and Chattanooga, which did something very similar to Cedar Falls.

Now, we don't know what "executive action" the President is planning on taking as yet, he's traveling to Cedar Falls in the coming week for a press conference to speak on the topic more. But, do we think this will actually change things, or will it happen like when we gave tax breaks to ISP's for infrastructure improvements? I for one sincerely hope that this, along with the change to the definition of broadband, forces a change.

I don't really know if this will help much, state and local laws will always be made in an anti-competitive manner. Even if he gets rid of these, more will take their place, so it's more of a hack than a solution. However if ISP's were reclassified under title II that would provide infrastructure to start-ups, something that google is hoping  for.

If it helps lead things in the right direction I am all for it. We have to be careful anytime Obama gets involved these days though, not because of what he himself may do or not do. More because it seems that any idea he takes to positively is immediately a terrible horrible thing as far as the Right-Wing conservatives are concerned. I disagree with a majority of his policies, but even a broke clock is right twice a day. I just hope Obama involved doesn't detract from the overall good thing this is.