Pre loading fallout 4 now

Well, I don't preorder shit anymore, it always goes onsale not too long after it's launch and every game released now is broken as fuck on release. the only reason I did fallout was because I got extra stuff, and was going to buy it anyways.

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This is the only game I would pre order I will be abroad with no gaming PC flying 10/10/15 I feel tortured so I bought a fallout shirt instead of preordering. This is also the one game I will not review any content or play through before I get it I don't want to spoil the game I love it too much. I have been playing fo3 fwe since the announcement :)

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When did they increase the price? It was $60 for as long as I can remember for the normal edition, $30 for the DLC bundle. Don't see why you'd by the bundle before the first DLC is released, time value of money and all won't possibly get anything before January, and they're not gonna stop selling the bundle. Anyway, $60 is more than fair for what you get, and IMO it is important to support the developers of high quality franchises to ensure they maintain quality and don't sell out a la Call of Duty.

Battlefield 4 is a great game. Recent patch hurt some of the balance, but I am sure it will be fixed soon. They are still adding new content, designing new maps with the input of the community, and bringing technical developments created for the next game (BF5) to the old game to keep it up to date (high tick rate servers). It is one of the few FPS games with loyalty to the PC community with customizable, rentable, ranked dedicated servers on a server browser. If your comment is based on the netcode problems at launch, that was fixed -- years ago, and it was never as bad as some people whined about it being. They were just looking for a reason to explain why they were losing.

This is the only game i've ever preordered.... Bethesda makes good games and i'd buy it after it came out regardless.

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So, sarcasm is not common on your planet?

InVidia is the Illuminati confirmed.

They said that they implemented graphics elemets such as ''god rays'' in all platforms, so assuming it's on console it should be good with AMD cards.

You and me. I can't spoil it no matter how hilarious Al is when reviewing mods lol

I shall raid all the towns and settlements with an ax, they way its meant to be done

I will be a goodie two shoes like I always am

depressing the oppressed and wronging rights, dats me

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I shall fire a mini-nuke at a pile of 200 tin cans


I was hoping the user's of this forum would know better, but I guess I was wrong.

About pre-ordering?

Only game I have ever fact it's DLing right now and at I've been waiting years for this release and I hope I'm not disappointed...I know I could wait and get it on sale, but it's Fallout.

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Everyone is a hypocrite deep down

Betting you there is something you will bend the rules for and pre-order, if there wasnt you wouldnt be human

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Correct. Not to mention pre-ordering a BETHESDA game.

Incorrect. I am extremely hyped for Elite: Dangerous Horizons, and I can pre-order it now if I wanted to, but I will not. I do not give money to developers for incomplete games.

Because people have weak spines and are hypocrites. Per-ordering is alive and well even people who say dont and rally behind it have pre-ordered F4, look at PCMR on reddit, they hate pre-ordering and if you say you are going to you will be downvoted into oblivion. People started calling them out on their hypocrisy and they get downvoted. This is just the way mainstream gamers are.

Mainstream gamers pre order stuff because it looked cool in the trailer or because it gives them some stupid ingame shit.