My teacher says that he wants to see our groups powerpoint stand out. I am by no stretch good with powerpoint and would love for advice on how to make it stand out.
bump really need advice tonight...
Well, sorta depends on what you are presenting, imo I'm not into sound effects, but decent backgrounds, and concise large text is really the best way. Also a change up in transitions help, again it all depends on your topic and your audience, not sure if this is grammar school, high school, or college.
High school sophomore honors english. Presentation over Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.
Well, I don't know your teacher, most of the time I kept it clean and concise, maybe something funny here and there to lighten the mood. But this is going to depend on your teacher (after all who grades it). So if you know your teacher well as in, does he seem more out there or artsy or does he seem more conservative. Judging by the "stand out" comment he made it seems like he wants it more flashy, but of course do it in moderation. Nice transitions and colorful backgrounds, maybe some pictures (personally I liked to ad a small comic strip if it related to the topic). But you need to read your teacher, and if the class enjoys it he may grade higher.