
Woot, CUDA and PhysX are officially here! The powerpack includes PhysX, Cuda, Folding@Home, UT3 Mod, Warmonger, Badaboom trial, and more! It's amazing. If you have an 8 series Nvidia GPU or newer, get it nao! You can download it off nvidias website.


it pwns.

what needs to be downloaded here, the whole thing or what?

*edit* nvm, didn't see the learn more button under the titles

does this mean we don't need the physX driver anymore, is it in the main driver?


cool thx

its inside the pack now so when you install drivers it will install physx

i just played the kulu demo (soft body stuff) and the jelly like monster was awesome to shoot around

im gonna install this in the morning, looks so cool!