I know that running cat 5e will always be superior regarding reliability and speeds, but let’s imagine that you had to use a power-line connection. Does anyone have any experience with power-line and which brand or model would you recommend for home use? Also if its not a sin to do so, would you recommend any for actual enterprise use?
Used one at my old apartment since nobody wanted a 50ft cable strung around. Mine were Netgear and 150Mbps rated, cost $25 and worked great. Just be sure the two are synced up and connected to the same grid (I.E. the circuits meet up at the same junction/switchbox).
There are significantly higher bandwidth units (450Mbps is the highest I've seen), but on a 100Mbps cable plan only 55Mbps was making it through the powerline, I figured it was interference from older switches/wiring. The connection was rock solid though.
I have a set of AVM FRITZ!Powerline 520E to get internet from one room to another.
Like @Fouquin my connection is slower then 'advertised' but nevertheless stable.
The adapters have been connected for a year now without any problems.
They are advertised with a 500Mbps but I only get around 200Mbps. But it is an old house with older electric.
AVM also have adapters with 1200Mbps.
That can't be secure...
Some of them allow for a password scheme to join the powerline circuit of sorts.
I've got 2 powerline kits. One of them is for an IP Phone that cannot be near the router, and for that extremely low bandwidth device, it is flawless. Works great, its a super cheap 500Mb kit. The other one I have was intended to be used to wire my desktop until I could hardwire. It was terrible. It is a 2Gbps kit, so a really strong and really fast kit, and it worked like absolute garbage. I can't get more than 60Mbps (unreliable, and only peaking at 60Mbps) if the kit is setup in the same room, same circuit and all. And no I wasn't going through a splitter or power strip, straight into the wall it was. It may just be down to the absolute garbage wiring that's in this house (probably is), but none the less my personal experience is not recommendable for desktop use. You can probably do much better if your house is newer with better wiring, This house is 20+ years old and was built by a nutcase of a women planner. She made a three story house for herself, but she can't go up any stairs. Yeah.
What do you mean? Anyway I wouldn't reccomend powerlines for enterprise uses because if you're running a business surely there's a significant load on the electric line due to a lot of devices pulling significant current at the same time. This translates in a lot of noise in the electrical signal wich leads to instability and slow connection speed. Powerlines are really only meant to work for home use and with good electrical wiring.
If you can get your hands on any AVM product for networking I suggest those for sure, like @t800a said before. If not I think Netgear stuff is pretty decent (got a D6200 and for now is working really good).
I have to use a powerline and while I dont like, it works. I've had a few crashes and my bandwidth is limited to 60-70mbps down (normally it would be 160) but its pretty decent. For enterprise however, I cant recommend it. Btw Im using some powerline from FRITZ!.
I'm using a Netgear one rated for 500mbps, and it also has an outlet passthrough. Since my network speeds is only 22/2 I get full speed and better consistency than wifi.
Yeah I was just curious about it actually being in an enterprise environment, and if there are actual power-lines that are stable enough for them, but thanks for your recommendation.