My power supply broke a while ago and i am now buying a new one. I am also from the uk
This is my current build:
Any suggestions would be great and greatly appreciated
Edit: My budget is 60-80 pounds
This will happily run that system and is a good unit you don't need to spend more.
It has the perk of being fully modular so you can use just the cables you need and have clean cable management.
isn't 520w a little to small as i had a 650w and that broke
>100 watts is enough overhead to not cause you any problems. XFX is not the best when it comes to PSU's. I'd recommend going with a Seasonic, Corsair, or EVGA PSU you cannot go wrong with them.
XFX uses all japanese capacitors, and is a Seasonic rebrand.
They are in fact a lot better than most of Corsair's lineup. Not sure how it died though - I'm running a slightly lower power system just fine off a XFX 550w.
What about this then
or would this be better lower wattage but better rating:
I'm actually quite surprised the XFX broke on you... first I've heard of from XFX in a very long time... most of the time they either arrive DOA or last 10 years :P
all you need is the 550 watt and you'll have plenty of room for overclocking... but I'd go with the first I suppose if it's between the two so you have the option of SLI should you ever choose to do so...
hmm my fault then, it's just that when I was looking around for PSUs myself I remember horror stories specifically about Raidmax's and XFX's.
a corsair 650w or 700w power supply would be more than enough especially if you intend to run SLI in the future. It's always nice to have the headroom. 80 plus bronze would be fine
lol yeah i suppose that topic starter is allready up and running again.
so lock. ☺