Power supply problem?

Guys, my PC shuts down every now and then, like it’s been the 4-5th time in a month now.

Unexpectedly it turns off, then immediately back on starting Windows like nothing happened.
When looking into the Event Viewer, I found this Critical error with ID 41

The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.

My power supply is an old Enermax 620W, bought it in 2010 I think, but worked really well so I had no reason to change it all these years. Could it be my problem?


For a start try unplugging all front panel things. Faulty reset button can easily short every now and then and force restart your system. Leave just the power button on.

It is entirely possible the PSU is showing its age, but Enermax had really good PSUs at the time so it can easily be something else.

Are the lights flickering when the PC restarts? Is it possible the issue is not with your computer, but with the power grid?

What’s the rest of the hardware?

Power supplies do age. The capacitors tend to degrade over time. And, if you haven’t checked lately, make sure its fan is clear of dust and still spins.

Additional note: Almost all PSU capacitors are electrolytic. Solid state caps last a lot longer but can be 20x more expensive. For big ones a PSU uses that isn’t practical. Did you want to spend $500 on a PSU? Probably not.

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