Power supply failed and blew a MOSFET Did it kill my CPU and RAM?

My power supply recently fried my amd motherboard and i actually saw smoke coming from the VRM area on the motherboard. oddly everything i can test seems fine all 5 hard drives, H100i, Fans, DVD Drive and even my sound card survived I am unable to test my graphics card, CPU or the RAM what are the chances it fried any of those?

Unless you can see visible scortch marks there is not really an easy way to find out. Unless you just put them in another system and try them there.

EDIT: What was the PSU out of interest.

Hmm tomorrow im getting a new system i ordered i guess i'll find out then, it was a seasonic Sii12 620W


Is either a faulty mobo or faulty PSU I doubt your CPU and Graphics card are dead since this is good PSU.

you probably only burned out a mosfet on the board. This will not effect the cpu.

Still not expected by such a reputable brand like Seasonic

philhalo66, there’s always protection circuitry around CPU and RAM and these two components usually survive very high power fluctuations because of this heavy protection circuitry that can absorb high voltage and current shocks. If your CPU and RAM get damaged,you’ll probably have to replace a lot of other components on the board. But as far as my experience is concerned, there’s very little chance of that.

pcb assembly

What motherboard?