Just bought above GPU, apparently it’s powered by 3x8-pin connectors, though my PSU only came with 2 besides the chained one that’s connected to my mobo. The PSU has space so I’ll buy a new cable, but in the interim I have 2 options - 2x8-pins as the reference model uses, or I could chuck a 6-pin in the third slot.
I think the 2x8 would be fine, would using a 6-pin in the third 8-pin slot fry the GPU or help a little if it does chew up >300W or whatever the 2 can supply?
8-pin PCIe connectors are rated at 150W, make that two of them that’s 300W, add the 75 coming from the PCIe slot that is 375W rated power (and the cables usually handle more then that anyway, but that’s beside the point).
AMD rates the 6900 XT at 300W TDP (not power draw), and the bit of OC on the card will not make it go to the moon.
TLDR 2 Connectors are fine and the third is basically marketing.
No, an 8-pin is just a 6-pin with 2 additional pins for more power delivery, having one less (the other is ground) will not hurt the card.
The power is most likely* going to the same power plane anyway and most cards monitor where and how much power is coming in and throttle accordingly.
*I don’t have the card so I can’t say for sure, but that is the case on 99% of cards.