Post Your Linux New Years Resolution(s)

They say putting your goals into writing encourages you to complete them. So go ahead and post Your New Years Resolution Goals in regards to Linux here.

Here are my goals for 2016 w/ Linux (and computer related matters):

  • Linux / Unix
    • Proficient with Fedora Server
    • Reach Goal - Proficient with a Berkeley Unix
  • Certification / Education

    • Network +
    • Linux +
    • Security +
    • Acceptance into Graduate Program in CS
    • Reach Goal - CEH
  • Programming / Scripting

    • Complete PHP Course
    • Solidify SQL
    • PERL
    • AWK
    • Reach Goal - Python
  • Servers

    • Launch live NodeJS application w/ MongoDB Backend
    • Launch live Apache Server
    • Reach Goal - Launch Postre SQL Server

Completion of goal means competence in the listed field.

To learn more about Linux and contribute more back to the community. Strive to continue my Windows free lifestyle.

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Get the witcher 3 to run in linux so I may forever abandon windows.

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Pretty simple....just finish the 1 year challenge, I'm at 9 months and I'm sure the next 3 will fly by with no effort at all.


My new year's resolution is 2160p at 40 inches. Someone please hit me for that super old and horrible pun.
But in all seriousness it is one of my goals to get my hands on one of those monitors but my biggest goal is to learn to efficiently use gentoo and move away from windows as far as possible. I think it will be totally possible because I just started actually using linux in the summer with Ubuntu Gnome and I'm typing this on arch and I've got no difficulties using it whatsoever


I adopted arch maybe a month ago. My New Year's resolution is simply to continue learning about arch and how to use it, and learn the ins and outs of what a Linux machine is/does/is made of.

uninstall the 10ish desktop environments i don’t use (mostly because they "broke") or fix the ones i do want to use.
dose anyone know how to do that?

Mine is a pretty hefty goal considering I havn't used linux that much at all but I am going to try and build Linux from scratch. I probably won't be able to do it but hey a guy can try and if I do succeed I will have my most customized version of linux to kill windows with.

I did the same except I went the lazy route with Antergos. So far I'm liking Arch a lot more than any other linux distro. Antergos is nice for the easy set up and theme. My plan is to actually install proper Arch on a spare computer or VM just so I have a better idea of what is actually involved with its setup.

Unfortunately my resolution will probably be 1080p for the foreseeable future unless I somehow win the lottery with tickets I highly doubt I will buy.

What distro are you on and was DEs do you have?

Actually get a Linux OS. The last time I tried I formatted my entire computer. (3TB worth of info)

Oh jeez. Please be careful c_gen!

Get games running in Linux so I can ditch Windows. I took the 1 year challenge and failed, mostly because I had to start using OSX for work so I thought screw it I can't go all out Linux anyways and games are easier in Windows (plus software for peripherals is a huge thing for me, and no gaming company that I know of makes native Linux software).

But I'd at least like to go all Linux at home.

Learn more, suffer less

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I have the intention of making a server using the low level epoll API. Maybe make a game or something.

I'm using Kubuntu with gnome and kde (thats ones i want to use)

Stop Distro hopping. I'm sick to death of reinstalling the same crap over and over again.

Here's what I got:

  • Learn C++, Python, and get started with Java.

  • Make my first true addition to Open Source.

  • Show someone what Linux is all about.

  • And finally, at the end of year, start college for Computer Science!


  • Finally kill off Win8.1 and transition completely.
  • Do an Arch install.
  • Do a Gentoo compile.
  • Bonus: Grow an extra long beard for LFS.
  • Figure out how fucking email works so I can host my own email server.


  • Learn me a Haskell for great good.
  • Finish working through the C book.
  • Do something productive with open source programming.