Post your favorite ingame screenshots


Finally started playing Rise of the Tomb Raider after the release of VXAO support. Running it with settings maxed out with ReShade SMAA.


My lockscreen taken from Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

Hroar going full derp in skyrim

Star Citizen has the best bugs

GTA Online "hackers", good times, good times

and of course, the grand daddy of them all, my desktop background

With my 350r on Broken Moon

A few of mine while roaming around in Elite Dangerous Horizons.


I tried multiplayer DOOM last night. It wasn't that bad once I adjusted the settings. My only gripe is some of the weapons from single player are missing in multiplayer and vice-versa.

I also had a lot of fun editing my character and weapons. The character editor is nicely detailed and expands as one progresses. I just wish the edited skin was used in the single-player as well. At first I went for a camouflaged appearance, then I went for cool.

 photo hate.jpg

Just first Hate raid.

GTA V 1440P

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Um, nice landing there autopiliot, should I just take a run up and try to jump in to the vehicle hanger?

The fight after this scene was so awesome!

Here's some of the last remaining SWG screens that I have. I lost all of my original Pre-CU screens due to hard drive failures years ago.

My Elder Jedi, Alamar :D

Here's some screens from SWGEmu (early Core3 I think).

Ah, the nostalgia.

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GTA V w/ ReShade 2.0 (Bloom and Ambient Light by Ganossa) and Tomb Raider (2013)

Here's one from ArmA III heavy on mods. Playing a Day of the Dead mission of ours.

Here is some I recently took on modded Fallout 4.

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Battlefield 4 Retail Alpha

Quake 3. Not my image, but I love this map for 1v1:

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Sorry for the necro, but PLEASE can you give me a mod list or at least the most important ones. I really like the dark and misty forest and the third skyrim picture (the town).
