Post your favorite ingame screenshots

got this one the other night. Thought you all might like. Lets see some of yours.

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I don't take alot of screenshots

It's the only screenshot I have saved on Steam.



recently got around to modding skyrim again with one of the most demanding enb's i've ever seen (yes i'm playing as the Witcher in Skyrim)

GTA Top Gun maneuver with @SpaceCat

Animal cruelty at its finest

Fun with a deathclaw

Witcher with some massive draw distance tweaks.

ritual with a dead sheep...

being a badass

and probably my favorite screenshot of all time because it almost looks real.

Oh and almost forgot, tek syndicate pip boy I made


Dark Souls makes for some pretty easy screen shots

and FO4



I love Skyrim


Oh boy


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I don't really take alot of screenshots but i have some that are decent.

The jaggies tho.. :(

And for fun.

In a nutshell.

I take most of mine when I find odd glitches/random funny parts.

Sometimes they can be oddly pretty.


just a few I'm happy to share
Jazzpunk best casual game ever :D

I laughed so hard during this mission in Saints row 4

the love for ramen never goes away :P

Amnesia: A machine for pigs has some twisted art.

visual bugs I ran into while playing GTA IV while using mods and not fully disabling games for windows live

yes in the early days of next car game you could drive your car this damaged Lol

such a beautiful walkin sim for its time Dear Easter, how I wish there was more to it

I really like some of the graffiti in DmC Devil May Cry

and a silly facepalm by a boss

welp theres a few maybe a few too many of some of my favorite screenshots I've taken :D

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Some MGSV:

Stick 'em with the pointy end

Fallout 4:
Sup bro, quest me.

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Oh man the nostalgia. CoH and later CoV used to be my main mmos for quite a time. Good ol winter event with the giant snowmen :D Awesome screen. Wish I had some from that era, but I lost those a few HDDs ago.

I have recently been playing Final Fantasy XIII in 4K and have got some pretty sweet screenshots.

Screenshot of the Forest.

Sazh and Vanille taking in the view.

Lightning and Snow having a moment.

Screenshot of Cocoon

what game is this?

Please for the love of god, everyone post what game their screenshots are from

This is from Everquest. Not a very pretty picture, but Everquest will always be nostalgia laced cocaine in my heart.

Everfrost was always my favorite place and growing up, I never had the ability to actually make it to the highest level. The game was very hard. I just had fun being the mule for higher levels, to sell items for them, come back with the gold, and they'd give me a percentage of it. Good times.