Post your coding projects

I recently did this for more compact sparse bit array storage! Once you have a index array built, there’s not much more a tree and offer you over binary search but you might be fighting CPU cache misses to the array formulation would probably be more performance. It The indexing structure chosen becomes a decision to trade off write performance for faster segment finding with a densely packed array, or quicker modification with a tree as array.

Definitely a fun data structure, though!

Been working on and off for the past year or 2 on a simple home automation system. It is no where near finished, but it is functional. It is a centralized system, all nodes talk to a central server and get talked to by a central server, not plans to make it disturbed because of my end goal with it.

The goal of the project is to be able to program your house as easily as you would you desktop environment, and to make it easy for programmers who don’t deal with electronic hardware the ability to make their own home auto system they have complete control over.

It will communicate with hardware attached to the PI via docker images that can be fed to it via the central server with a json config object and will have a unix socket to communicate value changes to the node which forwards it to the central server, currently it just takes a blob tarball containing structured JS and runs it on the system and is not stable but functions and is run inside of one global docker image.

The plan is to create a web socket API and build a wrapper in a few languages to interact with it, that way you can make your own program that will interact with the home auto system. Being able to subscribe to inputs so you get events when they change, and being able to publish to outputs to change their values.

I use raspberry pi’s as the nodes in the system, but it is currently written to work with NodeJS so it runs on almost anything that has NodeJS 4+, I even ran it on my android phone using Termux. Once it functions how i want, I will swap the JS code over to GO for speed and so that I can strip out almost all of the other programs and get as close to a single program on a kernel as I can get.

I’ve put most of my latest work into the token-update branch of each.

Code to run on the Nodes:
Code to run on the main server:

finally stopped bein lazy for a few minutes lol :stuck_out_tongue:

mostly finished with the 1000 conversion/update, but still need full reaudit basically lol.

minor change to mkli changed -nex to -noex(for clarification as it was very similar to lcex, which is -lc and does the exemption)

otherwise all the new file name resolution stuff is in there.

  • whether its below 1000, or over 1000(meaning the actual data other than the file containing the number of segments would be in a sub dir, split into multiple files), or just in the one file for smaller(less than 1000)

  • if its _dat or not(_dat is appended to the end of the name for lists created by the user using the mcli program, where the generated lists from mkli are just name.txt)

  • if its in /db or not

  • the indexing is done through the name resolution the name/0.txt file is 0-999 segments, then 1000, is 1000-1999 and so on, as a way of indexing the data by lines, without knowing the exact length of each line, or ensuring each line length by padding the file(which would use up more space once you start getting into limit of line is over 1000 characters, with an average of well below 500 in most instances, versus just extra blocks ‘taken up’ because new files)

for creating lists, or playing, or generating from mkli, it uses the 1000 ‘convention’

@SEP @MFZuul


I’m redoing a previous project in a different stack; atom.tracker (PHP, JQuery, JSON) => (Python + Flask, SQLite3 database.).

Currently, I’m hosting it on my personal Gitlab so its not quite ready to share just yet.

  • added a ‘move’ command in the mcli console mode, for moving sublists to a designated spot
  • changed the formatting for the table mcli console prints for the list when it scans it, to include numbers, and the total in the footer
  • added a sorta redundant error handling check, where it will check if the list you are trying to openi n the mcli console, could be running(if mserv.txt is not set as not running, or low power/wait state, and the list that its playing is the one you entered), where it did check when it would open the file if it could open it for writing at the time of opening

taking a break currently but probably next is to add move to the help text for the console part, and add support for using the 3 commands to set position, for a given list name as well, as the current where it applies to the current playing list

I was getting sick of doing it manually so I wrote a shell script to automate the creation of bootable Windows USBs. It takes a single argument for the ISO image and the UI directs the user to select a device to create the bootable drive:

I also wrote about it some more here:

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If anyone wants to join my GitLab, the link is in my profile.

I self host it at home :smiley:

Secure af.

Can we post projects we are helping out with?

Sure, I just like collaborating with friends. But always be sure to have backups just in case! I do scheduled automatic backups of my server as well though.

Edit: Currently updating GitLab instance so if you are using atm and get a timeout don’t freak.
Edit2: Update complete.

I’ve been having a gander at this lately. The project is aimed at piping D3D9 through vulkan and being usable on any platform. Currently it works well on windows and linux and is only in the preliminary stages, but there also aren’t very many people working on it either. Mostly its just the original guy, but I want to help when I have time to throw at it.



All of my code.

On a serious note, I’ve just had a look at the repo and the main barrier to assistance I see is that there’s no issue tracking, so I don’t really know what needs to be done. This is something that everyone should be taught in school. How to maintain a development flow. It’s valuable for so many more things than just programming.

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He wants all that through the dicord that is listed so everyone can communicate what they are doing. Right now all he wants is building and testing on as much hardware as possible.

I’m working on an internet connected (IoT) garage door opener.

The hardware I’m using is …

  • Raspberry Pi Zero W
    • 8GB SD Card
    • 5V 1A PSU
    • 1/4 Meter Jumper Wire
  • YARD Stick One
  • HackRF One
  • Original Garage Door Opener

The software that I’m using is …

In theory, this whole process is stright forward. You lookup the FCC ID of the garage door opener on, and get the general area of the transmitter and then point an RTL dongle, or a HackRF One in my case to that general area. Sometimes it’s as simple as doing that with osmocom_fft but you make do and you capture it with GNURadio instead. It’s annoying, but it works.


So once you’ve captured the file, you move on to using inspectrum and opening the file. You say to yourself, wow this is going great and then you realize that your waveform doesn’t line up with the other pluses down the line and you’re like … Ok, maybe this will work anyway still … But it doesn’t so you start sulking on the Level1Tech Forums. (No, I’m not bitter at all.)

Although, I will say that I’ve gotten the Socket.IO part to work no problem. I can press a button on a website and it will execute some shell code on the other computer. So, the part that I thought would be the hardest, is actually the easiest part. The part that I would think that would of been the easiest, is actually the hardest part. Odd considering how easy they make this look in all of the videos out there.

But this is around the part where I start banging my head against the keyboard.

Instead of trying to activate the opener using the transmitter, couldn’t you have the PI momentarily close an auxiliary relay that would be wired with the opener’s manual push button?

I could, in theory, but my electrical engineering skills suck. Soldering irons scare me, lol (I don’t own one. I’ve used them before in shop class like 15 years ago.)

Wrote a VIM plugin for reviewing pull requests on Github:

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been thinkin a bit about doing the reorder thing…

but also, messing a bit with the loop structure, that probably gonna add some tuning options for calculating the lists

curently is the top to bottom, checks if the sublist is ready to go(basically)

to be can have it not go onto the next list if say, the list could go multiple times, let it go as many as the math lets it pass, or could have a restriction, maybe only goes one extra time at most, or do a comparison against the list total, so that you could let say the longer sublists go but not the shorter ones

just gotta figure out how to do it, for the ‘ui’ stuff, how many options to give, maybe let user put a number in themselves(for a threshold or something). lots of options but want to keep it simple, easy to understand quick/out of the way. how its described to the user, if theres a help text for it etc

edit: also might mess with the boot strap a bit… currently it just does +1 after the math stuff, so it just forces it to go the first time, but i might put it to go like +1 until theyve all gone(or some other threshold for it being properly started to where it will run itself through the loop after that normally) to then ignore the minus 1, to correct for basically, the longests lists tend to have excess episodes at the end of the list, so with the change should correct up front instead by forcing them all right away, and then the shorter ones would skip the next one basically, then on as normal after that

or could try boot strapping the longer lists only or something, but as is isnt too bad usually, the whole spreed seems to be about 10-15% at worst(how far from the end the first list ends, assuming not a list with only like 2 episodes or something)

My bread board 28c16 reader/writer:, which can read and write using only 6 gpio pins. It’s true the raspberry pi 3 has 28 programmable gpio pins; so you could just hook up all the pins directly to the pi. But that’s not much fun.

The 28c16 is an eeprom with 2048 bytes of storage. So it has 11 address lines and 8 I/O lines. With the 3 8-bit shift registers, I can shift in all 11 address bits and 8 I/O bits using only 1 data pin, 1 pin for the shift clock, 1 pin for the register clock, and 1 pin to toggle a write. I used a dedicated pi pin for the write enable and output enable pins on the eeprom, but the data out/data in could be combined, and the output enable could be shifted in since there are 5 bits left over on the shift registers.

Reading is 8 times slower than writing. While the writer can write 8 bits at a time, the reader can only read 1 bit a time.

I wrote a simple c program (using the wiring pi library to handle reads and writes:

eeprom (-r [low] [high] | -w (value) [low] [high]) 


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <wiringShift.h>

#define PIN_DATA	4
#define PIN_SHIFT_CL	16
#define PIN_REG_CL	15

#define PIN_OUT_EN	5
#define PIN_WR_EN	1

#define PIN_DATA_IN     6

typedef enum tagMODE { READ = 1,
    WRITE = 2 } MODE;

void pulsePin(int pin, int delay)	{
//delay is microseconds

	int state = digitalRead(pin);

	digitalWrite(pin, !state);
	digitalWrite(pin, state);

void shiftByte(unsigned char data) {

	pulsePin(PIN_REG_CL, 101);

	digitalWrite(PIN_DATA, LOW);


void programByte(unsigned short address, unsigned char data) {

  unsigned char lower = (unsigned char) address;
  unsigned char upper = (unsigned char) (address >> 8);


  pulsePin(PIN_WR_EN, 101);


unsigned char readByte(unsigned short address) {

  unsigned char data = 0x00;

  unsigned char lower = (unsigned char) address;
  unsigned char upper = (unsigned char) (address >> 8);

  for( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) {

    unsigned char bit;
    unsigned char mask = 0x1 << i;



    bit = digitalRead(PIN_DATA_IN);

    data = data | (bit << i);


  return data;

void read(unsigned short low, unsigned short high) {

  unsigned char data;
  unsigned char buffer[17] = {0};
  unsigned short length = high - low;

  for( unsigned short i = 0; i <= length; ++i ) {

    data = readByte((unsigned short) i);

    buffer[i % 16] = data;
    if( i % 16 == 0 )
      printf("\n0x%.4x", low + i);

    if( i % 8 == 0 )
      printf("    ");
    printf("%.2x ", data);

    if( (i+1) % 16 == 0 ) {
      printf("    ");

      for( int j = 0; j < 16; ++j ) {
	if( ( buffer[j] >= 'a' && buffer[j] <= 'z' ) || ( buffer[j] >= 'A' && buffer[j] <= 'Z' )     ||
      ( buffer[j] >= 0x20 && buffer[j] <= 0x64) || ( buffer[j] >= 0x7b && buffer[j] <= 0x7e ) )
	  printf("%c", buffer[j]);





	digitalWrite(PIN_OUT_EN, HIGH);


void write(unsigned char data, unsigned short low, unsigned short high) {

  unsigned short length = high - low;

  for( unsigned short i = 0; i <= length; ++i ) {

    programByte(low + i, data);


  digitalWrite(PIN_OUT_EN, LOW);


int  main(int argc, char * argv[]) {

        unsigned char data;	

	MODE mode;
	char * szMode;

	unsigned short low, high;

	if( argc < 2 )
	  return 0;

	szMode = argv[1];
	if( strcmp(szMode, "-r") == 0 ) {
	  mode = READ;
	} else if ( strcmp(szMode, "-w") == 0 ) {
	  mode = WRITE;


	pinMode(PIN_WR_EN, OUTPUT);
        pinMode(PIN_DATA_IN, INPUT);

	digitalWrite(PIN_DATA, LOW);
	digitalWrite(PIN_SHIFT_CL, LOW);
	digitalWrite(PIN_REG_CL, LOW);
	digitalWrite(PIN_WR_EN, HIGH);

	switch ( mode) {

	case READ:

	  digitalWrite(PIN_OUT_EN, LOW);

	  if( argc < 3 ) {
	    low = 0x00;
	    high = 0x7ff;
	  } else {
	    low = (unsigned short) strtol(argv[2], NULL, 16);
	    if( argc > 3 )
	      high = (unsigned short) strtol(argv[3], NULL, 16);
	      high = 0x7ff;

	  read(low, high);

	case WRITE:

	  digitalWrite(PIN_OUT_EN, HIGH);

	  if ( argc < 3 ) {

	    data = 0xff;
	    low = 0x00;
	    high = 0x7ff;
	  } else {
	    data = (unsigned char) strtol(argv[2], NULL, 16);
	    if( argc >= 5 ) {
	      low = (unsigned short) strtol(argv[3], NULL, 16);
	      high = (unsigned short) strtol(argv[4], NULL, 16);
	    } else if (argc == 4) {
	      low = (unsigned short) strtol(argv[3], NULL, 16);
	      high = 0x7ff;
	    } else {
	      low = 0x00;
	      high = 0x7ff;

	  write(data, low, high);

    return 0;

no picture this time :stuck_out_tongue:

but just a simple thing to speed up a recurring thing with working on media server project(s),

just c command line thing, to rename all files of a given directory to lower case characters(if it finds any uppercase) for processing media

in that if you have a series and want it to play in a proper order, depending on naming convention, operating system/programs involved, having all the same case, and even numbering scheme, like having 01-09, if theres only 2 digits, or 001 etc for 3 digits and so on, as some programs whatever, go off alphabetic, nut also numeric, in which it just oes off the first digit not the whole number, so ‘episode22.mp4’ could come before ‘episode3.mp4’

but still thinking on that problem, as many different naming conventions exist, such as s01ep01, 1x01, just 01(no season identifier). but first thing that comes to mind would be if it finds more then 1 digit that isnt consecutive, but then theres what to do if the title itself has a number in it. such as (series name)-(season/episode numbers).(extension)

as i would like to be able to solve this ‘problem’, adding the beginning zeros if they arent present, and put all of the files present to be the same numbering/naming convention, with it just being able to detect what the numbering was originally to get the numbers, without causing issues if say the name had numbers, like ‘reno 911’, such as comparing the filenames to extrapolate the ‘reno 911’ isnt the number as its the same in every file(or maybe not present at all in the file if later seasons or something were just numbers no series name)

so gotta think about that one a bit :p. to ideally have no arguments need to be given other than directory

did bit more testing and had to do some minor bug fixes for specific conditions after the 1000 conversion,

but not figured out yet what to do with improving the distribution yet

or the renaming thing

not that have thought about it much lol.