Post It!

Hey Guys post what your gaming rig looks like from the outside. I wanna see what kind of rigs you guys have.

Excuse the quality and tidiness; I have been benching, overclocking, and tinkering all day long, and the photos are only from my webcam.


you guys might want to visit the stickied threads on this

That, too.

What card is that? and how does it run?

btw what's that fan doing their on the right of the graphics card?

It's a 4GB EVGA 680 FTW+ that overclocks like a dream! 1408mHz GPU core stable at 1.012V :D

The fan is a 180mm Silverstone AP, and is for cooling of the motherboard and graphics card.

well if that's the rig in his profile then its a EVGA 680 FTW+ 4GB 1411mHz/3155mHz

you can click peoples names and it takes them to their profile which usually has their specs

I dropped the GPU core to 1408.

did you suck off a senator for the money for that card? jesus christ.

No, I got it on a good sale, on top of the fact that it isn'tthat much money. At the time, it was the best card I could buy.

lol he almost had a qaudro 5000 traded for it, but the guy needed money instead

I was this close.