I need suggestions for great deals for great cards
Amazing deal, great brand too, thing is 150 for that GPU alone is an amazing deal but then they toss in 3 free video games! edit: I stand correct 4 games the Farcry 3 comes with the new Medal of Honor also, if I needed a 6870 for the slightest reason I would get this deal.
MSI GTX 660 Ti Power Edition Graphics Card with Triple Overvoltage
$274.99 after rebate plus you get Assainscreed 3
269.99 After Rebate And AssainsCreed 3
I plan on buying it after my xbox sells on ebay.
If anyone is intersted http://www.ebay.com/itm/160925539372?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
There are also some 7870s on sale on amazon and new egg with rebates.