Possible Game Server

I might be able to get a game server up for Serious Sam: The Second Encounter. Depending on how much resources it is going to need. The Current specs of my server are:

  • Motherboard: MSI K8MM3-V
  • CPU: AMD Sempron 3400+ 2.00 Ghz
  • Ram: 512 MB of DDR from an old dell desktop
  • Hard Drive(s):
  • Maxtor Diamondmax 200GB
  • Western Digital Caviar 80GB IDE Drive
  • Western Digital Caviar 120GB Drive
  • Samsung 40GB IDE Hard Drive
  • PSU: Logisys 480 Watt

Would that work as a game server for that game?

If not, I would have to wait for a few people to get around to give me some extra systems. Seeing they did say they will be giving me some systems. After I get a switch for my network, I might be able to put up some more game servers for this site. but my upload speed might be a problem though. I currently have 1Mbps upload speeds. and if my family moves, my mom might be going back to DSL for my internet. Granted I hate time warner cable. I really need the speeds to be able to keep the servers lag free.

Thing is, do many people here own this game?

I put a forum post about that. only about 3 people replied