Possible Arma 3 Linux port

According to the most recent Arma 3 Dev blog post, they are working on a Linux and MacOS game client port. Maybe we will get lucky and it will see the light of day.

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Interesting... I don't play Arma 3, still playing Arma 2 because of the insane amount of power needed to run Arma 3. But this might be an interesting thing to follow.

Short and to the point, awesome post

Hopefully it's not a nerfed port like a lot of the games that get ported to Linux... Looking at YOU CS:GO. Arma is one of those games that aren't worth playing if it doesn't work as well as on Winderz.

Hopefully it will work better than it does in Windows. Now that would be a treat.


It all depends on if it is a native port or if it is a wrapper. Currently they are exploring a wrapper port. I think this is because they are focusing on DX 12 and not Vulkan as the next API.

Even if it is a wrapper, it is better than nothing. There is a tradeoff for openness, and in the case of Linux, it's games. I don't do much gaming during the school (maybe two hours a month) year so it isn't really a big deal until Summer comes along.

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The main issue with the wrapper is that the rumor is they are porting to a lower version of DirectX. Not DX11 or DX12. Which means the Linux and MacOS ports would be essentially gimped. I am going to open a bug report on their bug tracker about selecting Vulkan over DirectX.

Its worth it if they listen

With Linux drivers you would probably need a quad-SLI Titan X setup to run it on medium settings. And two high end Xeons.

^^Nice troll try. Try harder next time.

would be nice if it happen to be drm-free.

Rumor has it that it's a virtual programming port in the works.

Insights into our Steam configuration have fueled some speculation that we'd like to clarify here and now. We are indeed experimenting with 2 ports of Arma 3. An external team has been investigating whether it would be possible to create (non-native) client ports to Linux and MacOS. Being external, this does not affect the core development team while it focuses on the Expansion. We should make it really clear that at this stage there are still very many uncertainties. We do not yet know when we'd release these, what their update cycle would be like, or any other specifics. In fact, it's still possible these ports will never see the light of day. There are several technical and licensing challenges to overcome. But, the chances of such ports have gone up from 0% for Arma 3. We'll be sharing more when we can!