Portable OS thoughts?

So I recently came into a 2tb Samsung 860 Pro and I don’t really have a use for it in any of my current computers. Then I got to thinking about all these “portable” OS’s that are available nowadays. Does anyone here daily drive a portable OS or a live usb device? Maybe I will just migrate everything to this and boot off of it for most of my everyday stuff.

Keep in mind that external USB storage might have low IO performance!

If you’re talking about Linux, you usually don’t need a special distro(or special anything); Just install as normal, but to the external USB device.

If this is about Windows you might want to look into WinPE.

I don’t generally do much that requires high I/O. I am a cyber security student right now. Even when I do I imagine I can just keep stuff local on my desktop for those situations. My daily is Ubuntu so booting off the 860 shouldn’t be a technical issue. Was just curious if anyone else here has actually done it on a daily basis.

I would suggest Fedora Silverblue on an F2FS formatted /root and /home for maximum performance and life with a USB drive. F2FS supports native filesystem encryption and compression now as well

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Thanks for the suggestion. I will check it out. I have used Tails before but not really convenient for normal computing uses.