I have setup a linode vpn using wireguard. I have a secondary computer running debian at home. I mainly want to host game server and ssh into that secondary computer from anywhere. I came across a reddit post for this same issue. I ran all these commands with client IP and server IP my friend still can’t connect to my factorio server.
My ISP is behind double NAT and has many problems. I have a old spare tp link router. It has a dynamic dns settings option. I still believe port forwarding does not working with my ISP
I have 2 questions:
Are the iptables commands on VPS the right way to do things, if yes how do i go about debugging the issue with factorio server.
Will dynamic dns work with tp link router after all the bad things i have mentioned about my ISP
You should try something simpler than using factorio for verifying your networking, you could try telnet-ing from your own computer at home to the VPS ip:port that you’ve forwarded while simultaneously looking at network traffic to see how far you get. You can look at traffic using either tcpdump on the VPS or Wireshark on your own machine.
You don’t need dynamic DNS for Wireguard, peers are identified by their client keys, and as long as your home machine sends any traffic through the Wireguard interface (e.g. ping the, or enable keepalive), and your home machine knows the static IP of your VPS, the VPS will know where that came from and your tunnel should work.
You should be able to verify Wireguard connection is working by typing wg and looking at latest handshake and transfered byte stats.
There’s other ways to handle forwarding, Wireguard should work, verify you can ping the endpoints through the tunnel, and use tcpdump to see what traffic goes where.