[Poll] What should I get next with pocket change?

So I might have some spare change soon, so I was wonder what I should get

Windowed version also considered

if you could recommend a similar priced Opensource alternative to beaglebone black that is faster that would be awesome

my case is uh lacking in functionality what with its 80mm fan as its single method of cooling and no front panle ports

my PSU as well, it only has a 4 pin cpu connector and no PCI-E connnectors, and pretty meh amp/watt ratings

current PC, but I'm getting phantoms 8150, cheapo gigabyte board (eww) and Dark knight II


Lots of pockets. For all of your change. But then your change would be gone... Hmm...

I only have so much change so I can only barely afford one

I would buy corndogs.

I would in all seriousness though probably get a new PSU. The case is nothing obligatory, though the cooling sounds bad.

Beige 900D, for sure.


I'd probably get a new psu. I would look at Seasonics though, instead of Rosewill. I just like Seasonic in general, but Rosewill should be a good choice too. Don't want anything happening with a bad psu because you got a better case :P That said, cooling is a pretty high priority of mine.

I would get the black case. It lookes awesome and the current case looks a bit cramped. I chuckled when I saw the little fan on the GPU. What is the little card in the 2nd to last picture

Would want a high-powered green or blue laser pointer. Handy gadget or a pocket tool if that's your call.

Kill your existing psu with fire! With a little spare change you can grab yourself one of these psu's and a cheap case like a this or this.

Phantom's already got some of those death rays, he doesn't need more

not using EVGA, they are terrible on anything non GPU related

beaglebone Black, basically a raspberry Pi on roids

I've got my faith in Rosewill, they have basically super flower PSUs in them and I've used around 60 of them personally, Rosewill does make some Shitty PSUs but this is not one of them

picture was for reference I don't have that kind of cash

Then definitely a new PSU. That one scares me. The ripple has to be outside of ATX spec, there is no way.

Ah okay. I have a Raspberry Pi in an SSH config and it is absolutely amazing. It looks like the beagleboard can hook up to the RPi via the GPIO pins(I assume that those black bars on the side are GPIO pins. Not up-to-date on all the credit-card computers)

probably but its like the 3rd one of this off brand that I've used and they work pretty well

Which PSU? He has two of them in this case. TWO. TWOOOOOO.

Also, Brennan. Check your email. It has to do with a PSU. And you're boycotting Steam apparently. 

Wait for the second version of the BBB, I got one and its still flaky sometimes.

There are faster open source alternatives, the most price/performance efficient ones are the one based on the Rockchip RK3066 dual core, and there is even a quad core Rockchip based devboard. Problem is that they don't have the same community support as the BB. I would stick with ti, the amount of community developed out-of-the-box stuff is amazing, and you can get a lot of inexpensive expansions later that just work. But wait for the second gen BBB's, they will come in at most a couple of months.