Poll Syndicate

  • Original Mountain Dew
  • Code Red
  • Voltage
  • I’m afraid of Diabeetus so I no drank

0 voters

DISCLAIMER: Other flavors of MTNDEW are inferior and therefore not in this poll. Send complaints to For PepsiCo 1-800-433-2652. Have a pepsi-rific day.


But, muh pitch black

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Send complaints to PepsiCo 1-800-433-2652. Have a pepsi-rific day.


tax return… you forgot pay the government cause we made too much money to get a tax return.


For me it’s not so much about finances. I just really don’t have any desire to take on that kind of responsibility. I’d much rather use my free time for myself and not be liable for someone else’s life.

That’s kiiiind of where I’m at, which is why I say 98%. There’s still a possibility, but definitely not any time soon. My girlfriend is all jealous because my brother and his wife are trying to have a kid in about a year, and my girlfriend and I have only been dating for a year. I basically told her we still have a long way to go. She’s just starting working on her PHD and I have about two more years til I’m done with my BS in CS. For me, it’s not so much the finances, but the fact that they’re such a HUGE hinderance just in general.

Maybe I’ll be ready in 10 years or whatever when I get bored, but I know my girlfriend basically wants to pop one out ASAP. And I also don’t really see the boredom happening for a looong time. I mean… I could use all that extra time and money to travel all over the world.

I’m about the same.

That’s kind of what I was thinking. With so much extra time and money, there’s so many cool things you could do, and you never even have to worry about hiring a baby sitter.

It’s based on the existing sherman body. Just like the m3 lee. And I think the jackson shares the same body as the hellcat.

over rated as hell lol. Lets put it to a poll! MANY CHOICES ENTER ONE CHOICE LEAVES!

  • Spend money on traveling all over the world
  • Save money and look up a touristy place on google
  • I was already globally enriched

0 voters

That’s a hard poll to take. I am more on the - travel the cheapest possible and invest the rest of the money in land/property when possible.

That’s really a personal and subjective perspective though. It might be overrated to you, but not others. I have plenty of places I’d like to go, including in my own country.

Edit: I should note that there are many people that I work with that have never seen an ocean. In their 30’s and 40’s. That is horribly depressing to me.


world travel

would rather stay home and play video games

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i have heard that investing in new experiences will make you happier than buying more stuff. But like, i’m not going to claim that is fact. And new experiences doesn’t necessarily mean traveling across the world. It could be going skiing or to a sporting event or having kids or going to a strip club if thats your thing.

In this day and age we are also blessed with a method to easily communicate with people across the world, so we don’t need to travel to the other end of the world to be exposed to their culture. As a professional cook there is a curiosity i have about foreign cuisine, but idk, i don’t think i have ever been that impressed with the sites in touristy areas that i’ve ever been to.

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This is a thread about polls. I used that as an excuse to make a poll. Chill, breh.

I’d love to debate the notion that traveling the world is important but not here. Feel free to make a thread, I’ll crash it :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the main deterrent is education. The educated tend to think about the work and money raising a family requires. And I can think of plenty of stuff I would do with my time if I didn’t have to work: hobbies, education, skills, volunteering…

In my opinion, many Americans share the same mindset, but it’s because the US doesn’t have the social programs that will help out parents. In fact, the US government is downright hostile to parents.

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Baby wipes are fucking terrible, big enough wads of them collect and wreak havoc on sewer systems.

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Use the bin …

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Great idea, lemme throw this piece of moist poop smeared paper into the bin so everyone can know what horrors are cooked up in my colon.

Just get a bidet people, far superior to anything else.

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  • Kang
  • Kodos
  • Ross Perot

0 voters

It’s a two-party system. You have to vote for one of us!

Only voted cause my dog’s name is Kodo. I have no idea wtf your poll is about.


There’s a link if you don’t know.

Well there is no perfect solution after all, washing your ass even though the best it will be strange to most of your visitors also having to wash your ass where your guests wash their asses doesn’t seem more pleasant.