Pol: How long have you been using pi-hole?

When did you start uaing pi-hole to filter network traffic?

I want to know if people are using the software recently, trying to get an idea of its popularity

  • In the last three months
  • 4-6 months ago
  • 6-9 months ago
  • 10-11 months ago
  • 1 year of use
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8

0 voters

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What do I choose if I used it for a month, and then stopped using it?

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Then you’re outside of my target group. I really would like to know why you don’t like seeing any and all domain / website requests on your network. It doesn’t slow anything down–in fact most repeat dns requests will happen much, much faster–unless your hard disk spins down, but even then, it’s still much faster than calling a 3rd party for a 20-30 millisecond (amazingly fast!) dns reply AND it reduces network traffic even more now.

I haven’t updated since they grouped together the white and black lists. I have seen and tested the new version, but am happy with an older one as I use unbound caching.

Pi-hole has added


so if for whatever reason, root dns or 3rd party dns upstream can’t connect (usually you just wouldn’t have internet access anyway) pi-hole will use the previously cached IP address to connect, and also try to refresh the cache as well. You have to enable that and you can configure it. I already have an unbound cache file I load every day, and dump the cache when I know I’ve been to new websites.

This implies that Pi-Hole is the only way to do that, which is wrong. I’m running PFSENSE with Suricata and Snort, I get great visibility

PFSENSE also runs my DNS, I see no value is adding another system to do it

Yes I implied that you quit monitoring network activity because you stopped using a program.

Edit: I will add an option for “other” in future polls. Excellent point.

I am not really into BSD yet, but it seems to have many of the same tools for network monitoring.

An example of just website name monitoring is blocker-ng for bsd systems.