PNY GTX 770 for $315 USD- Good deal?

Just wondering if a GTX 770 for $315 USD is a good deal. I was looking at the GTX 760 cards, but I found the PNY for what appears to be a decent price. Problem is, I have no idea what 770s go for since I've never even looked at them until now. I'm pretty sure it's new as well.

This model

I'd be coming from an HD6950 2 GB if it matters.

No opinions?

That is around the usual price of a 770 but i do not know anyone who has a PNY gpu. Where are you getting it at 315USD?You link doesn't show that price.

If i were you,i would look at this card as well

Woops, didn't realize I posted the wrong link. It's this one

It's down to $310 now.

Price looks great. I don't have personal experience with pny so i can't help much. What i would suggest you to do would be to google the cooling potential and build quality of that card in general.

I'd say so, thats a a little bit cheaper than normal and PNY has been around for quite a while even.

Thanks guys, I'll give it a shot. If I remember I'll do a quick review when I get it and do some benchmarks or something.

Now does anybody want an HD6950? :)