So I pulled the trigger on this deal on tigerdirect I paid $350 but with mail in rebate it will be $330. I havent read much on PNY gpu's but I thought the deal was great so I went for it
It is essentially this one and the reviews are good:
What do you guys think? DId I get a good deal? haha
I WAS thinking of getting an evga gtx780 2gb but it cost like $500 man.
I have a post in the build a PC and I also got the amd 8350.
no its the 4GB I'm sure. I will be doing video editing with Adobe Premiere, after effects ect and I did want to play games in Ultra at 1080p and possibly in the future 1440p.
no problem! I was thinking of ordering a second one to do sli but idk if two of those would be way stronger than just one gtx780? but it would exceed my budged lol
Yeah Im hoping with one 770 I can run ultra on most AAA titles.
Wait what? what 1800 number? haha damn.
Dang haha. I ordered it online oh well. yeah that's why I was thinking of getting the 780, but eh. Maybe in the future ill buy another 770 but not now.
weird, I didn't see that when I ordered it. Or maybe I wasn't paying attention lol.