Please Sign Petition! (Phantasy Star Online 2)


Please people we only need around 400 more signitures to get something going here.

This is for the release of Phantasy Star Online 2 in NA/EU


Already signed and passed it on, ive been excited for this and then it dissapeared


I know man, the first game was such a big part of me and my friends lives. Seeing that # 2 is out and people are enjoying it makes me want it ever so much more.

gota raise awareness...people need to know

Anybody still intrested in helping out?..Gladly appriciate the help =)

I signed it, though I've never played the first one.

But it can't hurt getting more games translated and released ^^

just signed it

That's great people..thanks to everyone we're getting that much closer to reaching the goal.

SEGA will soon be answering some questions regarding the release and not a delay in development =)