Please help

So its not long until i'm going to build my first computer and i have a question:

Do i have to buy a component to recieve WI-FI to the computer, or is it built in the motherboard? This is the motherboard i'm planning on getting, could you please tell me if it has got built in Wi-fi or if i have to buy something along side the computer. Thank you in advance.

no wifi there. But you can get a wifi card for cheap these days, or just a USB one. You should be able to get a good N-type one for $20-30

Alright! Thanks for responding! ;D

Please please please at least get a pci card, though. Dont go USB. I ALWAYS recommend LAN because it's simply faster, but if you have to go the wifi route, at least use a pci card.

I agree with  Toast, LAN is more reliable and faster than wifi so only get a wifi card if you really have to.

Probably a stupid question, but what do i have to purchase to get LAN? :/

you just need an ethernet cable you have a LAN-Hub on your motherboad. Plug the ethernet cable to your router and you're good to go

Okay, thanks. Ethernet cables seem to be cheaper as well :D Will this affect the wifi connection for others using the same internet as me?

Nope. If anything, it'll help. More wireless devices on a network just bog it down. It breaks my heart to see a computer right next to a router thats using wifi :(

Sweet, so i'm going with Ethernet then. It' cheaper and apparently better :D I won't break your heart, Toast. I won't break your heart.