The i7 is really unnecessary unless you are video editing or streaming and even then you can get the 8350 (8320 if you are overclocking) and save a lot of money and put it towards the GPU and it's gaming performance is similar to the i5. I changed the Video Card because since the price hike AMD cards have taken due to Miners Its really not worth it since the 770 is really similar in performance. Switched the PSU with high end parts it would be better to go with a higher end PSU. Not familiar enough with the ram manufacturer to recommend them so i switched it to G-Skill i have this ram and it is excellent. Opted for a Inexpensive air cooler Because water cooling is not needed unless overclocking is done and you could get away with the stock cooler but they are so loud and the temps are still to high for me. Since switching to the 212 evo my temps are way lower and my pc is way quieter.
posting builds without knowing what he's using it for seems like a waste of time :P
and some EVGA PSUs are actually fine... some suck... depends on the particular PSU... I always stick to Corsair, Fractal, Seasonic, and XFX regardless, but EVGA does make viable power supplies... you just have to look at the 12v rail specs to figure out which is which (which is why I avoid them, cause ALL of corsair, fractal, seasonic, and XFX's are useable)...
well.. corsair builder series is suspect... but other than that...
It's not a waste of time i can give him my thoughts and he can say well i will be using the build for this and i can change it. It's not brain surgery to pick parts on a website and make a list and even then this is a good all round system for gaming which he appears to be using for because he asked what fps he would be getting in the latest titles :P