well in my rig i have a ACE 700 watt psu and after looking at reviews of it im not pleased so i was thinking for christmas i could do some upgrading what do you think of these upgrades. my current specs.
Gainward GTX 650
ACE 700 watt psu
4 gb ram1333mhz
Asus gtx 760 2gb
Gskill F3 1866C9D 8gb
corsair builder series cxm modular 750 watt 80+ bronze
do you think this is a good upgrade i can also sell my old gpu and buy a new hdd.
Depends on his use. If he renders a lot, I would get 1600mHz CL6 memory off of Ebay, but if he games a lot, I would get 1866mHz CL9 or CL8, so he can do both if he chooses to get more into editing later.