Please help me with my upgrade

Hi ,

well in my rig i have a ACE 700 watt psu and after looking at reviews of it im not pleased so i was thinking for christmas i could do some upgrading what do you think of these upgrades. my current specs.

Gainward GTX 650

ACE 700 watt psu

4 gb ram1333mhz


Asus gtx 760 2gb

Gskill F3 1866C9D 8gb 

corsair builder series cxm modular 750 watt 80+ bronze

do you think this is a good upgrade i can also sell my old gpu and buy a new hdd.

thanks teksyndicate team.


You will defenetly see big performance increases. You may also want to consider a cpu upgrade if you have something that's older then 3 years.

my cpu is new a intel i5 

i game alot but i also edit and render and use photoshop.aftereffects ect

1866ram vs 1333 you wont notice a difference 

Depends on his use. If he renders a lot, I would get 1600mHz CL6 memory off of Ebay, but if he games a lot, I would get 1866mHz CL9 or CL8, so he can do both if he chooses to get more into editing later.

Don't buy the 760 the 7950 performs better and is cheaper right now.


First of all how much you want to spend and what games do you play? Do you render? Video Edit?