Please don't run away screaming: Accented keys (é for example) in SWTOR run via WINE using PLAYONLINUX on Ubuntu 15.04

To everyone who is still here, thank you.
So here the long version.
I like playing Star Wars the Old Republic massive multiplayer online role playing game.
Since I use GNU+Linux in general and specifically Ubuntu 15.04 these days I have to run the game with wine.
However, doing it purely with wine is a pain in the butt, so I use Playonlinux since it has a settings profile and patches etc. to install and run the game easily.

My fundamental problem is that some players use international characters in their names and certain functions in the game necessitate typing in those names (I can't copy and paste the names in game). Example characters are: é á ó ú ý. I'm Icelandic and so I use the Icelandic keyboard map. My first thought was to change the OS settings to English (US) and then try to CTRL+key code for the letters that I need in the game. I first tried it in gedit, but it didn't work.

I feel like I have a faint memory of some key map settings somewhere for WINE but I can't remember where.
The most frustrating thing is that a bunch of other Icelandic key map characters work perfectly in-game like ö þ æ ð. What make those characters different is that they are don't need a combination key-entry to type.
I've even considered making a custom key map in the OS just so I do this, but that seems crazy.
Since I can type all those characters perfectly in the OS this seems like a WINE problem. I'm thinking that I should run some other games with wine and see if I can type those characters then.

Can someone please please help me with this ridiculous and annoying problem?

You could try adding more locations support inside;


I have had a similar issue using wine, due to bokmal so I just add the locale to the run environment;

env LANG=no_NO.ISO-8859-1 wine "C:\application.exe"

I'll try that and report back. Thanks.

SWTOR is great... Just not a KOTOR successor

Since I'm using playonlinux where in the gui can I add the env LANG line to the front of the call to wine?

I am not sure with POL, I installed it once, and didn't like it.
I just use Wine.