Playstation 2

guitar hero 2 is fun but Christ the cheats took a long time to figure out to unlock all songs

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FINALLY got ace combat 3 eletrosphere japan patched to english and working on opl/hdl and emus i own the discs in japanese and patched the subtitles and text to play the game in english the NA release of ace combat 3 was a cut content arcade flying game w/o story which was shit so getting it working and playable is SO FUN image

the gif is compressed to hell


stole from ps facebook page not ps2 but the play station and 2004 when they introduced the sakura cherry pink

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It always took so long for coloured ones to come to Ireland. And in the end we only got silver and a few navy ones. I always wanted white PlayStation’s and we never got a white PS2, the white PSP came out after I got mine, same with PS3 and I gave up after that never got a 4.

My favourite one though is the Yellow one, never even got to see one in real life.


oh god its like a google dns server

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I got a Backwards Compatible PS3, I just want to play using emulation in 4K for stuff that works really well.

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Automotive one right there the red blue silver Yellow fat ps2s are cause at the time Sony japan pres love car games

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I always thought the yellow and red were very Ferrari looking. Never liked the blue or silver, they looked cheap.

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I newer really got the need for 4k on a system that can’t even load all the textures forxan area all at once…

then again I also play dothack

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DOT MY HACK I had all but session 4 not paying 300$ for a disc

brud I got each disc for 45-75 bucks lel

can only find them HYPER expensive or as a 500$ set and im saving for the linux dvds

Ps2 linux? Meh. You’d be better off tryitg to do bsd I thinkpl.

Also, play n trade in michigan is better than buying online.

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They briefly allowed Linux on the PS3, then people broke through the hypervisor and Sony thought it was a route to piracy, and disabled Linux installation.

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i have some of those ps3’s ordered airforce surplus but its bid atm i want 5 to try a networked computing “solution looking for a problem project”

As long as they are pre 3.41 version you can go ahead, or if you can downgrade them.

Can’t go backwards after 3.41 iirc efuse I think

I started with the OG Xbox. I kind of wish I had gotten a ps2 back in the day. Maby I will setup an emulator one of these days.

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Yeah for the most part, it if came preinstalled beyond it you cannot go back but if it was updated past it you can, it is just a massive pain, but I am way out of date so maybe they have easier ways. I just remember people directly flashing the ROM chips with clip on flashers.