Played Youtube video(s) autoplaying unexpectedly in a thread

In any thread, once you have played a video or more and then scroll away from a post containing the video in a thread it may autoplay from the beginning when you are scrolling back to it. Gets worser, it can also happen to all the videos you have played in a thread. This stops when you refresh the page.

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yea its been like that for a while now. i usually only have two or three threads open at once. then handle one at a time and close it out. its bad enough that chrome is a memory hog.

Which browser are you using?
Because i dont have this problem

Safari. And I also have an add on where it darkens the background on Youtube. I have other add ons too, but when I get time I'll disable each one at a time and the entire lot, see if they are the problem.

I use firefox, i dont have these issues.
Wenn i scroll away from a video, it does stop playing after an x amount of post scrolls.
But wenn it scroll back up, it doesnt re-start for me.
Atleast not that i have noticed.

I'll try to replicate it in other browsers, furthermore.

Yes that might be a good place to start.
I just tried with embedded vessel video´s aswell, and i get same results as youtube.
It does not re-start autoplay for me.

Hmm. I dont think I have this problem on FF. I'll check and report back.

Edit: just tried this out in the what metal song are you listening to right now thread. Scrolled up quite a ways, found a video, played about half of it, paused the video, scrolled down to the bottom of the thread and back up to the video post again and it did not start autoplaying. Does that sounds like the right process?

I get that problem in Chrome.

I don't think it's a browser specific issue.

You notice it most in super long threads like "what are you listening to" or maybe a political thread with lots of youtube vids.

I have had the same issue. Testing to see if it something flashed based or Html. Doing it in the htmlplayer, also.

Yes sounds fine to me.
Its the same way at my end.
I use FF and flashplayer, allthough i think that youtube plays the video´s in html5.
Looks to me that it might be browser specific, but i´m not sure.