Play Ransomware Decryptor help need

Hi everyone, few days ago our servers got encrypted by PLAY ransomware, is there any way to recover our data? any decryptor for play ransomware? ill appreciate any help or tip

I have no experience with this but. they suggest White Phoenix

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Thanks for the reply! ill definitely try it.

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Best of luck in recovering your data!
But tell us more about how it happened, why wasn’t the server secured?

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Thanks for asking! The attack took us by surprise. We had some security in place, but unfortunately, there was a gap that was exploited. Ransomware can be tricky to defend against, and we didn’t catch this one in time.

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Fortunately, I received help from a ransomware recovery company called Cyberxel. After extensive research on YouTube, I found them, and they successfully recovered all my important data.