I've had my PC for about half a year and I've began to record more gameplay and edit more. Not only that but these new AAA games are leaving my GPU in the dirt when it comes to high quality and frame rate... I plan to switch to Intel but not sure yet, only plan on replacing the CPU, MotherBoard, and GPU. Ideas?
No real one at this point.... but if i had to give one, I'd say about 400-500.. just going for bang for the buck.... if you can get lower than 400 than by all means please
Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I don't think you'll get a better GPU along with an i5 and motherboard for $500, unless you mean $500 after selling your old stuff.
If you sell your current CPU, motherboard, and graphics card, it'll be about $400 I reckon. Also, keep in mind that Intel Broadwell and AMD's new graphics cards should be coming out soon.
The other option would be to upgrade your CPU to the 8350 and your graphics card along with it. It would be cheaper, but you wouldn't get that much of a bump in CPU performance.