CPU: i7 2600k @ 4.4ghz
Mobo: Z77n- Wifi Mini ITX board
Ram: Corsair 2 x 8GB (cant remember exact model) 1600Mhz
SSD: Kingston Now V200 120GB
Graphics: Asus 770 2GB
PSU: Corsair 600W 80 Bronze
Question is should I upgrade? Maybe change the motherboard to a larger Z77 atx board?
Add another graphics card?
I want the system for general use, programming for example and then modded skyrim as-well as some AAA titles.
Should I save up for the future or upgrade.
Should you upgrade? So ask yourself a question - am I currently satisfied with my rig? CPU/Platform is probably not worth upgrading until Skylake or even later, since 2600k is not that much slower than 4790k (newest Quad-Core i7). About GPU, well if you need more performance, I would recommend to go for 970 or 980, also keep in mind that 980Ti might come out soon, so 980/970 will drop in prices. SLI is a solution that often doesn't scale well and add other problems, so unless you really need tons of performance my recommendation would be a single GPU setup.
You have a very capable system. If you can't find a weaknes in it right now then I'd hold off upgrading for a little bit. I'd look into getting some cool new peripherals. LED Mechanical keyboard?
I'm currently rocking a i7 2700k and a amd 7870. I'm plan on waiting till the 980ti drops. So maybe we will see price drops.
Thanks guys, yeah I'm 50/50 about it all as I live away from home (at university) and I'm not sure if I even have the room for my PC next year in my house.
Yeah I'm pretty happy with my setup, was just thinking future proofing it! Depending on the housing situation I may just swap out my mobo for a decent second hand one and get a different silent case! Define R4 I'm thinking or something that supports a H100.
Pretty happy with my 120Hz monitor at the moment and I'm not too bothered with playing in 4k at the moment, so I think I may wait a while before I upgrade my graphics card until I feel the bottleneck.
That sounds great, was thinking of getting a Cherry MX Brown mechanical keyboard.
Oh no! You used the trigger-word! Future-proof!
But, seriously, the best thing you can do is upgrade your GPU. Maybe invest in another SSD for more room.
The GTX 770 is pretty good. It runs 1080p with high-to-ultra settings. You could probably sell it for a decent price, and nab a GTX 970 (in all of its 3.5gb glory) for a decent jump in FPS performance.
Sounds like a good idea.
I'll price around for decent parts then make the jump when I can afford it more!
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