Planning on First Build

Hi there!

I'm currently planning on undertaking the task of my first PC build, and I know that now is the time that PC parts are often at their cheapest. Unfortunately, I haven't been keeping up with the state of parts for the past few years and I was looking for advice on what parts I should purchase now for my upcoming build. The computer will mainly be used for gaming, with some productivity on the side, and my budget is $1000 - $1300. And I have a monitor and software already purchased.

Parts that I'm considering:

Processor: Intel i5-4690k

Cooling: ??? (Air-Cooling preferred)

Motherboard: ??? (ATX)

Memory: ??? (16GB preferred, 8GB acceptable)

OS Hard Drive: Kingston HyperX 3K 120GB SSD

Main Hard Drive: ??? (or larger SSD if possible)

GPU: ??? (Nvidia preferred, e.g. GTX 760)

Power Supply: ???

Case: Fractal Design R4/R5 Case

If you could offer me any suggestions for the parts I need, please let me know! Thank you!


ASUS Maximus VII Formula Motherboard with Watch Dogs $469, Intel Core i7 4790K $399, Antec Kuhler H2O 650 V2 Liquid CPU Cooler $69, G.Skill Ares F3-2133C9Q-16GAB 16GB (4x4GB) DDR3 $215, Samsung 840 EVO Series 1TB SSD $479, Aerocool Strike-X 800W $149, the combined price of these parts is around $1680 although i still havent inputted a gpu or case, nor fans, and i have upped some specs, these are only suguestion parts for each individual part, not a suguestion as a whole

i7 build for heavy productivity and heavy gaming $1310

i5 build for light productivity and heavy gaming $1219

Let's PcPartPicker it up!

Not sure if you want SLI upgradeability in the future.  This one doesn't have any SLI support, but is well within your budget.  Also, the GTX 970 is a beast - much stronger than the 760!  This is mainly for games, but of course any computer can do productivity.  If you do a decent amount of video rendering, then an i7 would be better.

Thanks so much for the input!

This is what I have so far:

This computer will be mainly devoted to gaming, so i5 is fine. I also want to use a 500GB SSD for everything, seeing as I do value quick load times and it is incredibly cheap at the moment. Personally, that amount of storage is enough for me and I can always add more. I did take the advice to upgrade to a more powerful graphics card in the 970 and I decided to use Corsair for the memory and power supply. The things that I'm not entirely certain about are the cooling and motherboard.

Is there a specific reason for that RAM kit?  It looks great and all but it's PRICY.  G.Skill is quite a reputable brand.

Also, that RAM is red and the GPU is blue.  I'd suggest you find a color scheme that you like since the Define R4 you chose has a window.

If you with the Define R5, there are no window options available, so color matching becomes less of a priority.

No real reason, I just didn't look into the prices closely enough there.

Here's the updated build:

Do you think that the Cooler Master offers sufficient cooling, or is it worth spending a bit more? For context, I am not planning on overclocking at the moment. Also, is that motherboard dependable, because some people are claiming that their initial units were defective and that's something I would like to avoid. Thank you!

The Hyper 212 is a great performer for the money.  If you're only doing mild-medium overclocks, it's perfectly fine and capable.

and the fact that it is a bit noisy is negated because the Fractal Define R4 case has fairly good sound dampening