Planetside 2, do you play it?

I was wondering if we had some planetside 2 players here.

I want to know :

Your server

Your race

Your favorite class

Your PC specs and FPS


I play on Emerald server. It is not the most populated, but it is well balanced. Since the last patches we finally see more battles on hossin and esamir, which is great. Indar gets boring after a while

I play Vanu. I like their style and their more advanced technology-like weapons and vehicles.

I'm a heavy, I like to take down aircrafts and tanks and shoot rockets on people's head.

useful specs information:

4770k @ 4.0ghz

16gm ram 1866mhz

MSI gtx 760 oc with additionnal overclock (+100mhz core clock and +300 mhz memory clock)


This game used to be SLI compatible. Now it's crap. I have tried a couple of profiles and it still sucks. Anyway, it runs absolutely fine on 1 gpu. It get constant 55-60 fps on standard battles and 40fps on insane scale battles. (Vsync on)




Emerald (used to be waterson)

New Conglomerate (outfit, The SET)

Engineer (I drive vanguards a lot, and rear gun on libs)

4670K @ 4.6 Ghz

16 gigs of ram at 1600 mhz

I have two gtx 770s, but I run a single card on this game, MSi Lightning GTX 770, at 1.3 Ghz core, 7200 Mhz memory. I range from 35 fps in massive battles to 120 fps in open areas.

It was too pay2win for me the last time I played it. If it has improved I will give it another try.

I played it a LONG time ago, and it ran like poo on my pc. (old laptop) seemed like a cool concept though. 

I used to have an 8350 also overclocked and it did not run very well. This game is very cpu intensive, and it seems that it's optimized on 1 core. That is the reason why I switched to the 4770k

I think they've been working on muli-core optimization for the game. I have an 8350 without overclocking and it runs perfect. 

it actually runs on 3 cores now, which is still kinda pathetic. 

I play as the Vanu mostly as infantry. Can't rember the server, and it ran fine with low settings on my laptop until recently.

It's really sad they they downgrade the graphics and the experience. I like PhysX, and I liked my SLI performance. The game is still great tho.



Heavy Assault

Laptop specs: Asus G74SX-DH71

i7 2670QM @ 3.1GHz

12GB DDR3 1333MHz

GTX 560m 3GB GDDR5

Desktop specs:

A10-6790K @ 4.0GHz

8GB DDR3 @ 2400MHz

Powercolor Devil R9 270X @ 1180MHz


Laptop: ASS 

Desktop: TBD

I've continually tried to play this game for the last few years, checking in now and then to see if it has changed, and every time I seem to be more disappointed.

It ran like shit on my laptop: ok I guess I understand, it's low powered.

It ran like shit on my single GTX460 and Q6600: well, it's not the best hardware but it should be playable.

I tried to run it on a single GTX780 and 4790K: still runs like shit, maybe it needs SLI?

Now I'm trying to run it on my SLI 780's and 4790K (all three are OC'd) and it still runs like shit.

Maybe I'll check back in another half year or so and pray to GabeN that it'll be fixed one day, but maybe I could watch paint dry instead.

And this doesn't even touch on the obvious pay to win model! Holy balls! I can't believe how OP the upgraded weapons and vehicles are, which take AGES to get without paying real money.

This game was a cool idea, then it got consolitus, now it's a dying dog on the side of the road. Somebody just swerve and put the damn thing out of its misery.


Connery (home of the zergfits and never ending bitching by the vs when we are beating them. and also the winter break 12 year old army *kill me now*)

TR main (br61), NC second (had a br40 but apparently pissing off my brother may have not been the best idea), rarely VS (br20) (HATE MEEE!!!!! ALL OF YOU. seriously tho, am I the only non VS main on here?)

Used to main HA, now I do whatever people are bitching the most for and am good at it (except sniping. I can do close range infil as support but that's it.)

8320 + UC'd 7770 (1000mhz instead stock 1100). 58-60 (vsync) in 3 way 96+ battles. beats my brothers 3770 + 270x most of the time for whatever reason.

I play on the Emerald server.  I play as Vanu, mainly because purple is my favorite color.  I prefer heavy, but have been doing more medic lately. I honestly don't know what fps I am getting on my desktop and my laptop.

My desktop has a fx 8150, a 6970, and 16gb of ram.  My laptop has a i7-4700hq, a 765m, and 14gb after I installed the 6gb from my old laptop into it.

Ps. I suck at ps2, but it is sooo fun.

Why the underclock? Temps?

I'm not that good either but I manage to get more kills than death most of the time! It's crazy fun when playing with friends

That's just what the bad players say ;)

I don,t see why KDR is pointless in any shooter game. Enlighten me...

Pay to win, pay for convenience, it's the same thing in my books. You don't stand a chance against people with the higher level shit until you have it as well, so either you grind for hours to get the unlocks or you cough up the money to unlock it.

I hate level progression for weapons in the first place, but this just breaks that whole system even further by removing the dedication required to have the good guns. If everybody must spend [x] amount of time to unlock the 1337-swag rifle then it actually is meaningful when somebody goes through the trouble to get it, however if you can just buy the damn thing and skip the grind then it is no longer a fair progression.

In a game like PS2 having a high k/d doesn't necessarily contribute to your factions success.

If you are in a contested area (either defending or attacking), then yeah having a high k/d would directly help your team, but there are other aspects to the battle that need to be managed (healing, repairing, etc).

PS2 is a MMO and the responsibilities of teamwork are there too.

I suppose it makes sense then. I don't play with huge groups of people most of the time so I find very little fun in playing it. I found that the teamwork among random players was better than most games, but still not enough to make the game worth my time.

In any case it seems like some people still enjoy it so they're free to do so.