Planetary Annihilation Roll Call

I've been playing Planetary Annihilation for a few days now and I'm getting a bit bored with the campaign, I need some multiplayer action! I'm sure there are at least a few Tek members who play, so here's the place to find players in the Tek community.

My username in the game is pwn4two.


Mine is eden744

We should get a few people and get a teksyndicate game going.

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I just bought it

Awesome! The campaign is alright for getting to grips with the game, but it will give you some bad habits if you want to do multiplayer.

I feel like the AI rushes air factories all day and night.

The AI is kind of lacking, I need people to play with! But right now, off to bed.

Feel free to add me btw.

Still learning the game, I've been practicing with a friend.

You can practice with me if you like. I have only had one person to practice with so I'm in a similar boat.

Been a player since the pre alpha. I am terrible but I still enjoy the game.

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As have I, though ive not had much change to play till more recently. Getting used to the mechanics.

I just won a team game and lost a FFA. I'll give you a game some time and we can help each other improve if you like?

I have been playing since alpha, and absolutely suck, haven't beat the ai yet . I tend to turtle is strategy games, but PA isn't very forgiving to that play style. I have been trying to break out of that strat, but old habits die hard.

I play it from time to time, the bots get annoying. But hey it would be great to get a good size game going!

I do the same tho I've been trying to improve. If we get a game going we need to team up so we don't die xD

The best way to get in a good habit is to learn a strong initial build order to get you started. E.g. make sure you have at least 5 or 6 factories before going tier 2.

Let's pick a time and date everyone is free and see what we can come up with then! Any evening apart from Friday works for me (UK Time)

Sounds like a plan to me! I am free pretty much any day/ time except Wednesdays (Eastern, USA time) steam name BTW is Andrix12345

I'm usually free most evenings so long as I've nothing on

It'll need to be you Planetary Annihilation name as it has its own DRM.