And yet I already know what to expect going in.
I’ve been plagued by plan 9. My uncle worked on V3 wen it came out for his job, so he and either of my parents would talk about his work stuff and P9 would be mentioned. Later on I hear something about it in middle school from a teacher, then later on from that hera about it on forums and defcon and we’ll alright what the fuck is plan 9?
Fucking cool as shit, that’s what.
Plan 9 is a unix-like, distributed (as in resources), FOSS licensed (but not exactly foss), sarcastic dick of an operating system. It has its own tools, its own format, its own structure, its own kernel, and while everything was created at bell labs initially, everything after that legitimately just seems to be whatever the fuck a university student wanted to do today because they got the grant their teacher wanted.
P9 has the ability to talk to another p9 box and just take it’s processor, maybe that other boxes keyboard, oh and all your mail is done on that box way over there, and here you can connect to this box and use its CD drive.
Like what hello
It is very much like Icaros as well in that it can be hosted. But, while it can be hosted, P9 isn’t fuckin done.
P9 doesn’t have software that any normal human would use. I’m pretty sure the devs at suckless mainline plan 9, it’s all text. BUT you can fuckin pipe appliCATIONS INTO P9 FROM YOUR HOST SYSTEM.
Legit someone has chrome and youtube working on p9 somewhere.
The only thing I am thinking about now is my distributed gaming / workstation system I wanted to work on. I didn’t think about even describing it that way, but a main desktop you can pull resources from and where all your applications are ran, with a web connection or lan connection to a phone, laptop, or tablet. You’d get access to your steam, really, access to whatever you want.
Why is plan 9 not integrated into desktop linux yet that technology is a fucking banger.
A talk I watched
Srs look at the manual