Pirates are Packing Windows games with Flatpak

Are we talking just portability between distros or portability from Linux to, say, BSD or OSX or Windows? I’m not really following these new-fangled packaging trends.

But does this work with games that require an internet connection, not for authorization but PvP?

Vulkan and Dx12 are both based on AMD’s Mantle and as such very similar. Vulkan is actually somewhat more generic because it also deals with restrictions present only on mobile devices, so a Dx12 -> Vulkan wrapper may actually be viable and fast.
Here’s hoping that in the future more Windows games will run fine in Wine, regardless of whether they use Dx12 or Vulkan.


Yeah piracy and all that is is… I know, whatever for now.

This is amazing.

So like the old narrative about piracy not leading to actual sales, which has been proven many times over now not to be factual. Now pirates are actively paving the way to show developers that other platforms are viable.

Developers could take this up as an easy method of deployment, It is certainly not the best way about it, native porting will always be better when done properly, but it is a foot in the door and a relatively simple way to test the waters.

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Something to consider is the rise of gaming in Asian countries such as China where the player base will be potentially massive. There are distributions like Ubuntu Kyln and Deepin Linux specifically tailored for the Chinese market where although steam is now available ( they want those juicy downloads instead of a Torrent black market ) many Windows games won’t work… in an effort to see more on their state sanctioned Linux distro the idea of flatpack games might increase adoption 1000x fold…

( Yes they primarily use a customised Windows release but im not sure for how long )


And Linux Mint 18.3 will come with Flatpak preinstalled. They’re really embracing it: https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=3418


This was the funny bit, I found in reddit:


“Ubisoft… …releasing a pirated hack as an official fix.”
“The fix was, a cracked version of the .exe file modified by the pirate group ‘Reloaded.’”



Seeing as Windows is probably seen as a security threat in some countries it might be now that flatpack wine ports with all the right tweaks to run perfect really start to take off in a big way.

It’s early days but in a year from now ?

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i suspect it will be 2-3 years for this too happen in a major way.

Year 1: Working out all of the major bugs with stuff like DX11 and DX12
Year 2: Pushing for this too be adopted in a small-medium scale
Year 3: Showing to larger companies how much of a time save this can be instead of porting a entire game

Hopefully this will send alot more time and resources to the amazing wine team to fend off microsoft


Im not sure DX11,12 FP’s will ‘officially’ happen in a big way given how Unreal Engine, Unity and other engines work fine enough on Linux already with them recently adding Vulkan support. This is more for older titles that will never see a port, a lot of people won’t switch to Linux because they have a back catalogue of a few hundred DX9, DX10 titles, this could fill that void easily. Most games probably work now but getting the right WINE prefix and required 3rd party libs and running it stable isn’t as easy as some make out, even using PlayonLinux or Lutris.

BTW being pedantic here, but Flatpack is not porting neither is Wine. Both are container type solutions. Outside of running windows binaries and DLL’s though there is a place for game devs to bundle the games up with a proper native port using flatpack which would be really cool and extend the life of games indefinitely beyond major kernel & library leaps.


A 17.10 snap works in 14.04. thats what it means.

Lots of games don’t use either of those Engines. EA has an in-house engine which even supports Linux, yet they still don’t release for it. The Witcher series is another example of AAA games without Linux support. Even with games that use Linux-friendly game engines many developers either rely on Windows-only middleware or simply don’t want to deal with the complex Linux ecosystem.

Most flatpacks are native executables

But it’s not porting.

A Flatpak can hold ported executables just fine. Just because not all of them are ported doesn’t mean none are.

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I know. Hence why i said:

Can we get League of Legends in a flatpak ;w;

As long as you don’t give them money.

Wait, I thought League worked on Linux.

It works in Wine. Mostly.

I’ve had crashes in the middle of matches, but I don’t play that much and haven’t played for nearly a year, so it may have improved.

I get like 30FPS… I start at 280 and then it slams. I want an actual port not some halfass hack job done with wine. Or at least some effort done by a hacker like this.

What GPU? On my R9 380 and 3770k, I was getting 180fps at 1440p in matches.