PirateBox - Need USB Wifi Dongle Suitable for Custom Antenna

I’m building a Piratebox. It’s a wireless network in a box, hosting a website with chat, filesharing, and forum-like functionality. It runs continuously on a Raspberry Pi, like a wireless dead drop. This requires, of course, wireless networking capabilities.

Unsatisfied with the range and power of consumer wifi antennas, my group set out to make our own.

After some crude metalworking, we ended up with a passable double biquad antenna:

We wired it up to an Edimax EW7811un:

And we plugged it into a laptop. It worked! Broadcasting an ad-hoc network, we got an insane range boost, still going strong at a couple hundred meters.

Then we left it on overnight to test continuous operation. In the morning, range had gone down to only about twenty meters. Shortly after that, it stopped working entirely. Upon inspection we discovered that the Edimax was totally fried. RIP.

Now we’re looking for a new wifi dongle to use, and we need one that will be able to handle having a big honkin’ antenna rudely hacked onto it and run 24/7 indefinitely.
This isn’t exactly a use case we can get advice on from the local electronics shop, so do any of you have experience in this area?


Neat idea. I don’t know specifics but I would imagine a wifi card thats meant for a larger antenna like this would help prevent issues with such a big antenna.

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I didn’t know they made USB wireless network adapters that gnarly

A beefier card makes sense. I’m just trying to gauge where exactly on the price spectrum we need to be to avoid frying the dongle without also frying wallets. :slight_smile:

Most of the components for this thing are actual trash (to most), which is part of the appeal. We strive to be very
and we want to make a lot of these things, and tell everyone else how to make a lot of these things, for as cheaply as possible.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear to be very common to buy a lot of wifi dongles, perform open-card surgery to attach a big antenna, and document online which ones survive. We might have to be the first :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah i will really look that video series all the way, i usually(10years ago)didn’t see the use for this devices, but now that everything can be censored, it can be used to get comms, in issues were the Infraestructure goes down, or its intentionally get censor, like in the arabs countries or even venezuela.

Great Project overall


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This is more what you want Ariel size https://www.amazon.co.uk/MECO-Repeater-Rotatable-Extender-Amplifier/dp/B06XKP5K9H?psc=1&SubscriptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=duc08-21&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B06XKP5K9H

A WiFi booster will give you the parts you need and wont brow anything up.