Piracy Survey

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVVv9Iq6aPA <--- Bias console slave

Now, there's console slaves that say PC gamers steal Games. The way I look at is, If I'm paying for an account bound purchase riddled with DRM that's not transferable, it better be cheap DRM. That being said, Do you pirate your games?

As for me, It's a soft "yes", but it's more of a "allow me to buy it and I'll buy it". The last Game I pirated was Systemshock and if it was $5-$10 on GOG, I would buy it.

I think a easier way to answer this is a Piracy survey organized from Most ethical to least ethical and don't lie, I want accurate results and it's all anonymous, so you can be a closed pirate in the thread but answer truthfuly. 


I hope I covered all of the piracy excuses


-PS: I answered "Only old games that I can't buy digitally on my platform of choice"

The only game I've pirated was System Shock 2, as the only way to legitimately get it was to buy it on eBay for like 50-60$. Unfortunately, every single torrent of the game that I could find wasn't compatable with Windows 7. :( So I kinda just forgot about it. Thankfully, it finally went on sale on GOG, and I bought it, and sweet Jesus is it awesome. :) 

I've only ever pirated Skyrim, and I liked it alot so I bought it a month later.

oh wait i pirated pokemon gold and played it on an emulator

but i have a gameboy from way back in the day with pokemon gold so thats a-okay

- i voted

I'm not sure you can really call this "pirating" but i sometimes download videos off of youtube (via keepvid.com) to watch on the go when i don't have an internet connection.

I'm just going to leave this here, It's by far the best video Logan has made, and we need more of this: http://teksyndicate.com/videos/six-strikes-against-six-strikes-plan

I was talking about PC Gaming, but you do it out of convenience than greed of getting stuff for free.


But as far as media piracy with me, I like unlicensed remixes. I like the contributed culture creativity. Like Logan says "Telling Stories at the Campfire".

i use emulators, which most people would consider pirating (even though everything that you can emulate is old enough that the maker isn't geting a dime regardless), some games becuase it's really the only way to play them, others it's becuase i refuse to pay gamestop $30 for 10 year old games

yea, that was more of a "side note"

-but honestly I personally havn't pirated anything, however, I have gotten some stuff from friends flash drives.

Piracy logic:

if(number_of_things_pirated > 0 )

you = pirare

I always pirate a new game first, and then, if I enjoyed it (even slightly) I'll pay for it.

That problem can be solved with better demos, but I don't do pirating due to lack of demos anymore. If it looks interesting, I'll gamble $15 on it and by the time it's at that price, there's good review sources.

I don't pirate and the reason for that is I don't feed trolls, and that's what the big publishers have turned into. If the companies make games that I feel are to expensive my opinion is that they simply don't want me as a customer. If they want my money they'll make great games for a reasonable sum of money. I just bought SC2:HotS Collector's Edition because I know WoL is great and I like the polish and fluff. Usually, a demo helps, but it's not necessary if the game looks interesting and reasonably prized.


Another thing is that my tollerance is lower when it comes to companies who emply draconian DRM, like always online. I bought Diablo III CE for the single player part and got burned with the server havoc of the early days. The end result is that I will never ever buy an always online game again if it's not for multiplayer.

Adding things like "I pirate because I'm a kid and mommy and daddy won't give me Steam money for Christmas :(" makes you sound like a childish jerk.

I pirate games and applications on Mac to see if they are actually worth buying. If they aren't then I just uninstall it and move on to the next thing that comes to mind.


Yes I pirate games. 

I pirated mass effect 2, but after 2 months I bought it, and now I own all three of them. I also pirated assasins creed, now I own AC, AC II, ACB, and AC Revalations. I didn't buy or pirated AC 3, becouse when I saw the trailers  and some gameplay footage from that era, it just wasn't for me. And I didn't want to jump from tree to tree like a monkey :D. I played WoW on private servers, after 6 months I bought it etc... the list goes on and on.

The thing is I pirate games becouse I need to know if they are worth their money, I don't want to spend 60$ on a game I will play for an hour, I rather go buy some beer for that money and get drunk with my friends, will have much more than a shitty game in my collection.

So yes I pirate alot, but on the other hand I buy alot after it too. 



i piriate game's to try and if i like them and i can afford them i buy them if i dont like them i uninsatll delete torrent and files of the games. if there were better demos that didnt showcase a small segment or hey look how pretty this is then i wouldent need to pirate. latest test game is the new tomb raider after 5 min of playtime i decied not worth the money will wait till price drops and bug fixes are done.

The reasons I pirate stuff is because you simply can't get any games legitly here. Second of all, I'm not allowed to make online payments.

"I pirate because I'm a kid and mommy and daddy won't give me Steam money for Christmas"

You should rename these labels because at the moment they make you look like i prick.

I tore apart the guy in the video that the OP posted. I got blocked. xD My points weren't even mean. They were valid too. I might make a video destroying him. It turns out you can't send people private messages on youtube when they block you from sending messages on their video. He's kindof a bitch.

I think piracy is okay under certain circumstances. For instance, I personally don't beleive that Call of Duty is worth $60 for every 'copy and paste' game. So I would understand if someone pirated it. I haven't though, because I don't find it worth playing.

Also games that have DRM should be pirated. DRM has destroyed two games that I legally purchased for $60. Talk about throwing away money.

Lastly, games that don't have demos should be pirated then purchased. It is ridiculous to spend $60 on something that you don't know how good it is.

Note: that is a scenario that alot of kids are in, That's how I got along a few years ago.

he blocked and deleted my comments aswell, just flag the fucker for spam and say something like he stole the game in the gameplay video lol