Hey bit of a noob here need some advice on my plan here
So my idea is to use a pi 3b+ as a VPN router I understand the limitations of the pi and it’s going to work fine for my use case however the issue im having is I need to connect the pi to my WiFi router via WiFi and then broadcast out a WiFi signal with my VPN running on it I know how to set this up but all tutorials show the pie connected to the router via ethernet but I can’t do this due to some limitations
So I need to know can I connect my pi to my router via WiFi and also use it as a router to broadcast out the new VPN secured connection
As Altkey rightly said you need a second wi-fi antenna to re-broadcast the wi-fi signal from your router through the Raspberry Pi. My suggestion is, if you can, to avoid rebroadcasting a wi-fi signal but using the ethernet to connect to the router you take connection from and the Pi integrated wi-fi as an access point.
It’s possible to make additional virtual wifi interfaces without additional hardware, but it’s not super simple, and seems unreliable with the broadcom wifi driver
The b+ has dual band, which you could leverage, but the question I have is are your sure it’s a 3 b+ or is it just the b. The 3 b only has 2.4ghz and in that case you’ll really want another adapter.
Also if it is the b+ the driver would have to support this kind of config and it might not. Don’t know for sure.
Sure but fuck using a 2.4ghz only radio for adhoc, that’s just masochism. I can’t find any info on if the 3+ wifi driver will work for this. You can make as many interfaces as you want but if it doesn’t work in the driver those interfaces won’t do anything.