Pi 4 - PiHole & LanCache

I am currently running PiHole on my Pi4 to just personally serve my Laptop and my Phone (Everyone else in my household doesn’t want to use it)

I’d now also like to run LanCache and it seems there is a Pi spin of it here (lancache-rpi/README.md at master · jrcichra/lancache-rpi · GitHub)

Is it possible to use PiHole and LanCache at the same time from the same Pi to my own devices?

Running LanCache for a single device doesn’t make much sense but there’s nothing stopping you I guess. Just import the DNS entries from LanCache into PiHole’s DNS server whatever it uses.

Another solution would be to point LanCache’s DNS server to PiHole’s DNS server for upstream queries. Apparently it uses GitHub - uklans/cache-domains: Domain Names required for LAN Content Cache DNS spoofing as source

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It would be for my laptop and soon to arrive Steam Deck. Will be worth it for installing the same game in both devices.

Thanks for the info.