Okay, I'm currently using a GTX 780 Ti, and have said previously (Even on the forum) that it's a quick card and I don't really need to upgrade. Well.... The upgrade bug hit me last night and, well.... I need more FPS's. It's official guys. The upgrade bug is real.
So, I was wondering, to save having to sell the 780 Ti, would it be worth using a 980 Ti with the 'old' 780 Ti as a dedicated PhysX card?
I'm not 100% set on buying, but it's just if anyone has any experience of high-end cards and PhysX configurations, their input would be a huge help :)
780ti is overkill for a physx card, sell it and get a 750ti instead. 780ti's idle is about as high as a 750ti under max load. Or just don't upgrade at all, since you're not going to see that much of a difference regardless. Next year you're going to see a huge jump compared to the last 3.
With the amount of gameworks/physx in games like The Witcher 3 and Killing Floor 2 I don't think a 750 Ti would be enough; a 980 Ti would probably do better on it's own. A 780 Ti would probably help a ton in Gameworks/physx heavy games like the aforementioned ones.
I'm upgrading to a 980 Ti today or tomorrow and I have two 760s. I'll be popping the 760 in as a gameworks/physx card; I'll get back to you with benchmarks, maybe that'll help you make a decision.
Brilliant, thanks. Thought I was being a bit over kill with using that, was just to save the potential of selling the 780 Ti if I do eventually get the 980 Ti.
Also, the energy isn't too much of a worry, living with parents and got a 750W PSU, so the thing is good for another card easily.
If you don't mind me asking, what's happening next year? (Been a bit out of touch since the Fury X launch and not really watching rumor sites)